As I sit in the bath vaping on my AVLP at 150c, chugging big clouds, I wonder how accurate the temperature is.
I was honestly getting fed up vaping. I've been fed up with the heat and sore throat I get for a while and I actually took over a week off the weed for the first time since 2019 when I went on holiday and couldnt get any.
This is the first time I've had weed around and not used it for that length of time since I started over 20 years ago. It wasn't planned. I just woke up one day and though fuck it. And that turned into about 8-9 days. I only became a legal user in the UK 1 month ago

Ive been so fed up recently I've been slowly selling all my vapes. I sold loads ages ago but recently I started with all my "forever" vapes like the tubo dual, then my Toad, and next will be my tinymight 2 and mighty+ and finally my puffco peak pro with 2 grams of some insane bho

that I don't wanna vape anymore.
All I'll be left with is my dynvap(just incase the world goes to shit) and my AVLP.
I just absolutely love this thing. Since buying my first magic flight launch box in about 2016'ish i think?? I have never found the perfect vape for my user experience, you know the does it all vape until now. The AVLP with the capsules which I seem to have got lucky and have 2 capsules that are basically push fit lids then use the tool to screw off(fuck knows how but it's great). And I decided let's see how low I can go for my throat. I started at my usual 185 and went down 5c per bowl over the last 5 days and found that 150 is my sweet spot. It takes a few draws to get going but after that I can get a good 10 mins of decent clouds and the avb is a nice light brown consistency. People can say it may not be 150c in reality but from my experience as a low temp vaper I'd say it can't be far off. I can kinda tell by the throat that it's not as hot.
Anyway, I'll be putting my tinymight2 and various stems and other bits and bobs up soon and probably won't be around to much as I'm leaning towards edibles these days so I thought I'd say my fairwell(for now) in this thread as its one of the only vapes i will try and keep up with all the goings on, mostly as a reader.
Much love to you guys as ive leanred everythng i know on this forum and to Gary and the team for such a great piece of kit that just delivers mighty+ experience in a far superior piece of equipment in every possible way.
Makes you wonder why storz n bickel haven't done anything this good in 10x the time. They'd rather just milk off all the reviewers to make sure their dinosaur tops all the best vape lists because its easier than listening to the end user and working hard like airvape, tinymight and even "little" companies like the one with the xmax v3(the name escapes me).
Credit where credit is due.
Peace out