@Mischa whats up fellow German!

There are threads about the Angus Enhanced and Ruby so for the specific questions better ask there. Can one not just dry the wood of the housing? That was the issue right, the wood has not been dried properly? But I don't own neither, so yeah, no idea.
I don't like S&B much myself. The Mighty is ok. On the plus site is good vapor production. Everything else is kinda meh. Battery not replaceable. Can't really call the air path clean or isolated. Plastic mouthpiece. Plastic everything. Aluminum dosing capsules...

Can't say I was really impressed with it. And my controversial take: A certification never makes a device better, and always makes a device more expensive. You can see that with basically identical Volcano medic being more expensive. If it gets your insurance to pay for you vaporizer, sure, but if not I would not lose sleep over a missing certificate. Welp they are pioneers, have been around forever, never really made a shitty product and have some devices certified, so I guess they earned their success and their fan base! Just nothing for me personally.
Anyways this thread should be about another upcoming Yllvape device, the Aerolite! Any news about that one?