Hey everyone,
yesterday i was a bit bored so i decided to eat some abv.
i bought some cheap white chocolate from a discounter (200g for 1).
melted it in a double boiler stirred in 6-7g brownish abv ( i usually vape until there is no visible vapor or taste left).
then i added some milk because i thought the abv would otherwise dry out the chocolate and after some extra stirring i let it cool down in the freezer.
The result was a greenish paste with a consistence like nutella.
I ate two sandwiches yesterday but couldn't really tell if they worked because i also vaped a lot.
This morning I took four sandwiches to university and ate two of them at 12. I gave the other two to a friend who doesn't consume as much as me.
At 13:00 we were starting to fell something...
I'm used to mj so my high was like a trench in the mflb but my friend was really high getting new snacks every 5 minutes and laughing all the time
Just wanted to share this really really easy "recipe"
yesterday i was a bit bored so i decided to eat some abv.
i bought some cheap white chocolate from a discounter (200g for 1).
melted it in a double boiler stirred in 6-7g brownish abv ( i usually vape until there is no visible vapor or taste left).
then i added some milk because i thought the abv would otherwise dry out the chocolate and after some extra stirring i let it cool down in the freezer.
The result was a greenish paste with a consistence like nutella.
I ate two sandwiches yesterday but couldn't really tell if they worked because i also vaped a lot.
This morning I took four sandwiches to university and ate two of them at 12. I gave the other two to a friend who doesn't consume as much as me.
At 13:00 we were starting to fell something...
I'm used to mj so my high was like a trench in the mflb but my friend was really high getting new snacks every 5 minutes and laughing all the time
Just wanted to share this really really easy "recipe"