Student of Vapor
hey FC,
so i've been collecting up my abv for a while and have been planning on making a Vegetable Glycerin(VG) Tincture with it. i've been doing some research around FC, grasscity, and the rest of the internet. i figured i would start a topic on here about since there isn't much discussion about VG, especially the method i have decided to do. i wanted to first post up my general concept/method for any critiques anyone may have and then return to edit my OP to include my procedure. please do not hesitate to make suggestions or point out any flaws, i would rather not see my abv go to waste
the plan:
i have accumulated approx. 19.5grams of dark brown ABV from my MFLB but there are noticeable green specks throughout(ill try to post a picture of it when i come back to edit). i also plan on using the keif i have collected which i haven't weighed out but would not consider it a large amount, ill be sure to try to take a picture of it once i post my procedure. i want to use 4 fl. oz. of vegetable glycerin, equal to half a cup. i first plan on heating up the VG and bath my MFLB stem as well as the glass part of the WPA to extract resin(my stem is ridiculously resined). now for the part that i am looking for feedback the most because i am basically using a NO HEAT technique. this "no heat" technique has not been discussed much and will be implemented because this whole process needs to be as discrete as possible. after the stem and WPA glass bath, the 4. fl. oz. of VG will be added to a mason jar along with 19.5g of ABV and my keif(after decarboxylation). I plan on letting this mixture sit in a warm dark place for a week and shaking the jar 3 times a day. i was considering letting it sit in a hot water bath a few times throughout the week to aid in the extraction process, basically the only heat that would be used. after the week it up, the VG mixture will be strained through a cheese cloth and bottled. After bottling i will test a sample dose as a baseline measure and allow it to sit while bottled in a warm dark place for 2-3 weeks. this has been shown to increase potency, according to BadKittySmiles.
after calculations, 3mL's of this tincture would be equivalent to ~0.455g's of ABV. note, this potency does not include the supplementation of decarboxylated keif(which i haven't done before so hopefully my first attempt won't be a complete fail).
when i come back to edit this i will definitely make it much more organized, detailed, include reasoning for certain steps, try to include pictures, and also tips i have gathered from researching over the past few months.
so, will it work? any thoughts or suggestions?
so i've been collecting up my abv for a while and have been planning on making a Vegetable Glycerin(VG) Tincture with it. i've been doing some research around FC, grasscity, and the rest of the internet. i figured i would start a topic on here about since there isn't much discussion about VG, especially the method i have decided to do. i wanted to first post up my general concept/method for any critiques anyone may have and then return to edit my OP to include my procedure. please do not hesitate to make suggestions or point out any flaws, i would rather not see my abv go to waste

the plan:
i have accumulated approx. 19.5grams of dark brown ABV from my MFLB but there are noticeable green specks throughout(ill try to post a picture of it when i come back to edit). i also plan on using the keif i have collected which i haven't weighed out but would not consider it a large amount, ill be sure to try to take a picture of it once i post my procedure. i want to use 4 fl. oz. of vegetable glycerin, equal to half a cup. i first plan on heating up the VG and bath my MFLB stem as well as the glass part of the WPA to extract resin(my stem is ridiculously resined). now for the part that i am looking for feedback the most because i am basically using a NO HEAT technique. this "no heat" technique has not been discussed much and will be implemented because this whole process needs to be as discrete as possible. after the stem and WPA glass bath, the 4. fl. oz. of VG will be added to a mason jar along with 19.5g of ABV and my keif(after decarboxylation). I plan on letting this mixture sit in a warm dark place for a week and shaking the jar 3 times a day. i was considering letting it sit in a hot water bath a few times throughout the week to aid in the extraction process, basically the only heat that would be used. after the week it up, the VG mixture will be strained through a cheese cloth and bottled. After bottling i will test a sample dose as a baseline measure and allow it to sit while bottled in a warm dark place for 2-3 weeks. this has been shown to increase potency, according to BadKittySmiles.
after calculations, 3mL's of this tincture would be equivalent to ~0.455g's of ABV. note, this potency does not include the supplementation of decarboxylated keif(which i haven't done before so hopefully my first attempt won't be a complete fail).
when i come back to edit this i will definitely make it much more organized, detailed, include reasoning for certain steps, try to include pictures, and also tips i have gathered from researching over the past few months.
so, will it work? any thoughts or suggestions?