ABV Toasted Rice Cereal Chocolate Treats


Well-Known Member
ABV or AVB = Already Been Vaporized, After Being Vaped, Already Vaped Buds, (Spent material or Duff).

This is the easiest, fastest, and tastiest way of putting nice amounts of ABV in a snack that I have found so far, while disguising the taste and textures. And is a great way of just getting rid of ABV in general!
You first need to grind the ABV well (I use a regular S&B grinder just for this but a large one might be faster), and then you sieve the ground up ABV with a medium sieve. This is to break up and remove tiny stems and rough textured material that could jam in your teeth, and to focus on any actives remaining in the finer particles,
I have found 6g of the sieved out powder to be pretty effective for me to date! But you will need to start slow and find your ideal amount, maybe it is half my ideal amount, or double. Try 3g if you are worried. I toss what's left in the sieve out the window.

Items needed:
A plate.
A medium coarse kitchen sieve/strainer
Muffin or cupcake tray with the individual cups/pockets is really helpful.
Paper muffin/fairy cake tray liner cases.
A fridge

makes 4-5 treats, intended for one person to be eaten at one sitting. Units are in metric and amounts are approximate, feel free to adjust!)

> Around 65g of your favorite chocolate that melts well. (eg. a small bar, or two thirds of a larger 100g bar)
> 6g of ground and sieved ABV powder.
> 1-2 cups of toasted rice krispies cereal (corn flakes can also be used or try whatever you like)
> I'm guessing around 3-5g, or about a teaspoon, of a hard type butter.

Grind a nice heap of ABV into the sieve, a folded piece of card or paper can help to load the grinder each time you grind.
Sieve out the contents and use this dust that falls onto the plate, discard what remains in the sieve IMO.
When you have enough of the fine ABV powder, break up your chocolate bar into squares or parts. Put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl along with the butter, and melt them both either on the stove top over a pot of warm water, or in a microwave on pretty low power for a short time.
Meanwhile, put around 5 paper cases in the tray.
Then add the ABV powder and crisped rice cereal to the melted butter/chocolate bowl and mix evenly with a spoon.
Spoon the mixture into the cases and place the tray in the fridge for about half an hour, being careful that no unintended person can find and consume by mistake.

Wash your dirty bowl and sieve!
Enjoy all the buns with hot chocolate, a glass of milk, or your favorite drink!
Then, enjoy your vaporizers more than ever!
Hope you like them sometime!
I just created this account to give feedback and thanks for your recipe! I had a small amount of AVB (5g) and was looking for a quick and easy way to make something edible out of it. And this worked very well for me!

As said, I made some slight changes like using less ABV. I also used plant-based butter (margarine) and puffed amaranth cereals which aready had some chocolate on it. Then I used dark chocolate with almond and orange pieces in it. So yeah, this recipe also works vegan..

Since I anticipated my AVB to still have rather high THC content (the bud was potent to begin with and I don't like to push it to the limit with my dynavap), I started with two of the five treats I got out of the recipe. This was definitively the right choice :D
The treats had a great taste and 1g of the AVB gives me a decent and long lasting buzz (10h or so), without being too tiring.


Well-Known Member
That's great that it worked OK and you were able to adjust to suit your requirements! Great to hear your feedback.
You have even inspired me to do this again soon as I was afraid to leave things like this in the fridge the last while.
Meanwhile i have occasionally steeped ABV in heated milk for instant hot chocolate, which works fine but it's not as tasty as this recipe!
Thank you for letting us know it worked out well.
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