ABV Peanut Budder


Well-Known Member
The latest way I've been enjoying my ABV is to mix 1 part ABV powder, 1 part Nutella and 1 part all natural Peanut Butter. I blend it well and put it back in a jar. Any time I want an edible, I just spread on graham crackers and I'm good to go. Peak @ 3 hours, last 6 -8 hours.
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Vapes Hard
Do you know of any advantages to using nutella with the pb, over just using all pb? I personally don't care for nutella, and I thought it was all the fats in the pb that makes this mix work so well.


Well-Known Member
Peloton said:
Do you know of any advantages to using nutella with the pb, over just using all pb? I personally don't care for nutella, and I thought it was all the fats in the pb that makes this mix work so well.
The taste of ABV just works really well with nutty/chocolate flavors.
Its almost impossible to MASK abv taste, so you gotta go with stuff that works with it.

PB has a tiny bit more fat than nutella, but adding the nutella shouldn't decrease fat content % too much.

If you want, you can always add some extra oil to the mixture to make it more absorption friendly.


Vapes Hard
Makes sense, thanks for the response. Anyone have a good method or procedure for making a larger amount at once using the stove?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's not a key part of the recipe, I just like the two mixed. Be careful, I made one, mixed more up and was licking the spoon/bowl and found myself fubar'd. Main point is the convenience of a large quantity premixed, because it's just nice, especially when you need one in a pinch. Another advantage is, if you make a big batch, you get a real good idea of how much you need, and can enjoy precise dosing at least until that particular batch is gone.


Well-Known Member
No stove needed, and you can make a full large jar easily, if you have enough ABV. I only need to spread it on a piece of graham cracker 1" x 2" long and sandwich it, for a great ride.


Wych Doctor
So Sundaddy are you heating your mix at all or just adding your ABV directly to a jar of PB / Nutella, mixing and storing?


Well-Known Member
No heat needed, being that the ABV is fully decarboxylated. I pulverize my ABV into powder, and thoroughly mix, so that every centimeter contains some ABV.
I believe as it sits, the synergy takes place where the THC actually binds to the oil.
I do recommend waiting a day between eating these for maximum impact, but there are days i can't resist another taste.
The most fun is experimenting with different amounts, times of the day, on full/empty stomach, etc.


Wych Doctor
Nice! I'm definitely gonna mix up a batch. Final question - do you store this in a cool cupboard or in the fridge and how long does it last? (I guess quite a long time as PB and Nutella have a long shelf life)


Vapor concierge
nice sundaddy! I used this same concoction for the milkshake thread. The only difference is I microwaved mine (sounds like that might not have been necessary?) It ends up being kind of fluffy, but maybe not so much without the microwave. I like the idea of having it on hand and getting used to amounts to eat. Also, I grind my bud in a coffee grinder, and this works perfectly for the abv.

by the way, do you use organic or skippy-type pb? Does it matter?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, check the dates on your products before you begin. I store cool and dark.
It's debatable whether heat would enhance the effect, but since I plan on keeping it around for a while I figured it would be more likely to remain stable if I didn't.
Side Note: I vape with cooking in mind, so I leave a little love in the ABV... more golden than brown.
I use Skippy All Natural with the brown lid, it's good stuff.
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