Good Night!
I have a very high smoking (or used to) and vapor tolerance. I'm still going, every night with friends, long after they're on the floor. But, that milkshake with the 3 heaping tablespoons, literally wrecked me. I barely remember the night, except feeling highly intoxicated/drunk without the queasy (which is actually kind of cool). It was just a bit overwhelming, especially when I wasn't ready for it, at all.
Did you make the shake as the OP did?
You don't have to heat anything. The ABV is ready to go.
Heck, I know people that eat ABV straight from a jar, chasing it with milk. It will get you lit, just the same. None of those ingredients are really necessary. Go to Wendy's buy a milkshake, dump in the ABV and you'll get the same effect.
I think I am doomed to just not enjoy edibles.
I've had some pretty strong strains that can give that almost psychedelic effect. Heck Girl Scout Cookie, if I catch it on an empty stomach, right before I eat. Wham! Straight to the moon!
I make my own edibles. It's interesting, I'll use peanut butter or Nutella as a "base" and sprinkle in my desired amount of ABV, and eat it. The last two times I tried it, I overdid it, and had double my resting heart rate, although I was fucked. More than I wanted to be for sure. I couldn't even focus on what I was trying to listen to, I was so gone.What kind of delivery method BDV? Butter, oil, tincture, hash, flowers, ?, ?I have never experienced an edible like that and would be curious to duplicate such an experience in the name of
of course. Although I can tell an tell you an 8 dose edible + Disney World of color = damn near bucket list worthy
What kind of delivery method BDV? Butter, oil, tincture, hash, flowers, ?, ?I have never experienced an edible like that and would be curious to duplicate such an experience in the name of
of course. Although I can tell an tell you an 8 dose edible + Disney World of color = damn near bucket list worthy
...not a good idea to use chunky peanut butter. All the peanut pieces floated to the surface, when I added the milk.
I have mixed my ABV with peanut butter and let it sit for a few days, and I've mixed it and eaten it right away. Both experiences have been good, and I've overdone it both ways. Doesn't matter for me, so I'll mix and eat right away.I'm doing this in the next few days when I won't be able to smoke (wisdom teeth removal), and I have a quick question!
Once everything is blended together, should I let it sit to absorb into the fat? Or does that not really matter at all at this point?
I have mixed my ABV with peanut butter and let it sit for a few days, and I've mixed it and eaten it right away. Both experiences have been good, and I've overdone it both ways. Doesn't matter for me, so I'll mix and eat right away.