My vegan abv shake recipe:
1-2 Bananas
4-7 frozen strawberries*
4-7 frozen cubed mango*
2 spoons full of peanut butter*
4 spoons full of abv (this was my old abv which was just midz and vaped pretty well thru)
4 spoons full of chocolate hemp protein power from trader joes
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk* (probably more depends on consistency)
i've found the thread and read through all pages, really interesting ideas und experiences!
i thought i could try it myself on thursday, because i have a day off und collected all the ABV eversince i own my flowermate..
everytime i vape it's more like too high and too much heartracing, so maybe there's still some effect in my brown ABV and it gets me relaxed.. well, i hope so
so there's just the problem that i live vegan and can't use milk/milkproducts, so i wanted to try it like that and make some
ABV Fruit Juice! :
1 - 1.5g of medium brown ABV (i'm a lightweight and also NEVER ate THC before, so i don't want to overdose!) mixed with some coconut oil for a minute in a microwave.
blend some bananas, strawberries, mangos, apples.. add the ABV/Coconut-mixture and blend it again. pour it up, put some ice in it and there is a cool fruity and healthy ABV Fruit Juice.
so, could this work?
still some questions, because i don't want to fuck it up and have a nice vacay day:
many of you wrote you could propably eat the ABV just without heating it, but i want to try the microwave-thing at first. so is coconut oil instead of Peanutbutter/Nutella ok ? i mean, it should because it has such a high fat percentage, but just to make sure.
also i don't want to use too much coconut oil , just like a really small cup. or is it necessary to use a load of it to get a bit more THC_extraction?