ABV from my solo.


New Member
Hi everybody. Pretty new to Vaporization, only been vaping since September. I just finished my herb now and will be without for a few weeks until next consignment! :( I saved my ABV to make edibles but am wondering now if I have vapourised all of the goodness form it or if it is worth while vaping it again? I normally vape at setting 7 on my solo attached to a bubbler. I always fill the bowl full but generally only take 4 or 5 pulls from it. The ABV seems to be dark brown in color but always seems to be this color even if I only take on pull on it. (I assume this is because of the heat I am vaping at?)

Anybody with greater experience want to chime in? Is it worth running it through again?


Well-Known Member
Are you still getting vapor from it when you hit it dry?
In my case the bubbler I'm using is so small that when I hit on level 7 it starts vaporizing the water after a while.

IMO its usually not worth it once it turns dark brown and get that "burnt popcorn taste", I rather make some edibles with it at that point.

But now a days I only use the Solo when I'm out hiking or snowboarding so someone who uses it more regularly might have some better input for you.


New Member
Hi everybody. Pretty new to Vaporization, only been vaping since September. ...
...Anybody with greater experience want to chime in? Is it worth running it through again?

I save my vaped bud in a jar. I usually stay between 350 degrees and about 380 degrees.
Once full, I do a filtered water soak (someone mentioned I should soak to help remove the 'burnt toasted smell and taste) for about 5 days. Changing the water every day.
After the last day, I strain and let dry on a tray until its totally dry (a day or two in a well ventilated area...and clean and not dusty). Then I run butane through it. You'd be surprised how much oil you get afterward the whole process.
From there you could winterize to "clean it up".

The plant that keeps on giving. ;-)
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