ABV Extract - Making use of your higher order 'Noids


The are the droids you are looking for, or maybe they are.

I consume cannabis for medical purposes. My receptors are so clogs that a THC high is not really part of the equation any more. T-breaks are not worthwhile as I suffer in the meantime. And bottom line, vaping doesn't easily get me the heavier molecules I need without riding the edge of combustion.

My other admission is that I like the DynaVap vapecap for medicating. Quick and simple to use and maintain. I have no urge to try a 1000 vaporizers only to end up back here with DV. I really needed to get out of the combustion zone to get at the molecules I require. This has been the only variation I found going from combustion to vaping.

I caught a hint of doing extraction with EverClear 190 [EC190]. I decided to try it and see what it does. Worked easy enough and started consuming the result by evaporating the EC190 on 'bisquits' and eating them. My body rejected that shit like it was poison! Consumption of ABV in any way was pointing in this same direction. I have no clue as to why but it was very evident. It stresses something in the gastronomical system. I suspect it is one of the filter membranes that gets upset. Not worth pursuing on my end but if this is sounding familiar, take this as a word of warning. Everyone's anatomy is slightly different.

FF to maybe 3 months ago. I decided to reup the game and continued concentrating ABV with EV190. The extract are a deep deep red teardrops to sandwich in with flower. Not one hint of the previous physical anomalies. The sessions are very vapie and the taste throughout the session is more consistent but leaning to ABV. This is more the rich taste of ABV, not the dreg, fortunately.

Today I am thinking I need to up the efficiency of the process. The evaporation stage is still cumbersome. Scraping and gathering is wasteful as well. So why not evaporate into a bud directly. That is where I am now. Waiting patiently for the EC190 to evaporate from the bud. I don't see a downside to this yet except a sticky bud. It takes a while to 'cure'. I am very much looking forward to vape this up.

This idea really makes asking the question of "one more?" moot. Now the answer is simply "later". It has really made my daily sessions a little easier removing this small stressor and a lot of cleaning. Knowing this process works well with sandwiched dabs, there is no reason to believe this will cause new problems.

It is also not lost on me that the EC-concentrate mixture will affect the fresh slower by breaking down some of the fresh flower. Does this add to the decarb process?

Do you want to try this? It is super easy. And if you haven't figured out that EverClear 190 is a good ISO substitute, hit up the liquor store today. Always available. Go figure. What I do is place a week-2 weeks of ABV in a jar. A Gerber baby food container full basically. Top that off with EverClear 190 proof. Set in a dark place for 3 day minimum. Extract all liquids, refill with EC190 and extract [wash] and add that to the concentrate already extracted. It is optional to let the second extraction for a few more day. I just want to make sure what is there is diluted enough to not care about tossing the ABV after this.

You now have vape essence in solution,; 'Noids. It seems a good way to store it but I don't know for sure. 1CC of this solution will produce a small teardrop of dabbable ABV. Remember that most of the lower temp molecules are already removed. This will vape at higher temps but much easier than when it was locked in the flower. A 1G bud will suck 2CC without too much trouble. It takes time to evaporate to don't get carried away. I used a very dry bud and I suspect I will be waiting well into the afternoon until it is ready. I'll keep it out until tomorrow just to be sure; 24 hours.

Washing ABV - not worth it! I found a more dangerous situation where you could introduce spores. My washed ABV grew mushrooms. Not a good thing no matter how I wanted to spin that. Now I just toss overdone ABV to keep the jar 'fresh' for further processing.

ABV Already Been Vaped matter is still highly potent and for medical purposes, another series of medication your body will utilize. In my case, debilitating cramps that I've lived with for a lifetime are non-existent since finding the right strain and dosing. The AMA has nothing on cannabis except contempt. Shame.

I can't speak for AVB - I don't have any of that.


I like it! I think Mikey might like it.

I put the resin laced bud on the crock pot cover to evaporate a little quicker and maybe more completely.

The bud was very dry to start [always transfer from the bag to sealed glass!] and it took on a really nice 'black Christmas tree' look. Once it was fully cured, it was not sticky and it was still dry. It crumbled easily and I chose to grind it through the strainer for a super fine grind.

It doesn't taste like bud anymore. It tastes like ass as one would expect. I'm use to ABV tar so it works for me. I have a need for these 'noids so it is all about the best way to make the medicine to go down.

I think I have this on a rotating schedule now. Collect 4-5 grams of ABV and process.

If you've been messing with ways to reclaim your lost 'noids, give it a shot ...of EverClear190.

Edit - Okay, I am officially higher than I've been for quite a while. Even if ABV isn't your thing, this is worth it to do once. I think the super fine grind did the trick. The taste isn't off-putting as much as 'dank'. Much more consistent throughout the session. And an extra draw! What's not to like :shrug:
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And to close this out. I repeated the experiment with great success. These buds soaked up about 4CC of extract.


This is a before and after shot


This was a little more soaking than yesterday. It was not quite as crunchy.
However, with persistence, I got it all through the strainer screen -


For someone who cannot digest ABV of any kind, this is now my favorite means to sequester ABV goodies. It's the same weed and finally a different taste. Very vapeable! The level of effort is well within novice capabilities. Please don't vape EC190! Let it cure out. Heat helps.

There is no right way so this is just another way. Enjoy! :cheers:
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