a spiral in space


on occasion i have this thought of how life in this universe as seen by us is just one perspective for which each living thing has their own, within their frame of reference, within their "own" universe. to fish in a tank how can it know of coconut up in a tree or that it contains a sweet liquid? its beyond its own universe and no way of it to get there unless you toss it up a tree, a real crash course on coconuts.

anyhow, this idea of being in a frame of reference you cant truly get out of to experience another one got brought up in a vaped discussion and the following came from it :

too small to get that far,
too big to get that deep.

we dont truly understand or "know what its like" to exist within the very small of spaces nor in the far depths of space but its all connected imho, each a tiny (or large) universe, spiraling on and on sharing space in our cosmos....so this morning i saw the following space picture and made me think of it all, thought to share.


source: http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1020a/

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