Darth Vaper
About a month ago I finally forked out the cash for a true vaporizer, the No2 by Vapir. I knew that the experience would be different from the old fashioned method of combustion but I didn't know just how much better I'd enjoy vaporizing. I've lived with Tourette's Syndrome for most of my life and I've been on all sorts of medications to control it and the mental issues that go with TS sometimes (depression, anxiety, C/ITD). All of them came with side effects that greatly outweighed any benefits, plus they were tough on my stomach. I've known for the last 20 years that marijuana gave me the relief I needed, but smoking came with a price outside of the legal issues. First, I never fooled myself into thinking something that felt like THAT in my lungs was good for me and sometimes the burn wasn't worth the benefits. Secondly, combustion carries with it toxins that account for a lot of the "muddy-headed" feeling you get from marijuana. Finally there is of course that unmistakable odor that comes with combustion. Vaporization handles all of these problems with ease. Vaporizing means no smoke. No smoke means no toxins. I can actually take two or three pulls on my No2 in my car before going in to work and perform my job as a server with no muddy-headed issues. I actually am making more money now than before because I am relaxed and my Tourette's is well managed for the first time in years. No smoke also means no odor (except for a slight odor on your breath, my daughter almost busted me on that one) so no worries about the wrong people catching a whiff. I've vaped in my room with the door shut and fan dispelling the exhaled vapor (no windows open) just to test it. No problems at all. People have commented how much better of a mood I seem to be in now and nobody makes any comments about "what did you smoke?" anymore because I am clear-headed even when I've vaped (mostly, I won't say it's totally clear but any fogginess is short-lived while the benefits last for hours). Like I said, a real gamechanger, and I'll never go back to smoking.