Weapon Enthusiast
This has been exactly my thoughts on this thread.SpiralArchitect said:Being a PD owner, I had very little to add to this thread. But I did want to extend my thanks for stopping by and giving us your side of the story Rick. It's always nice to see the manufacturers take pride and joy in their product, sharing their trials, tribulations and 'little lifes secrets' with us. Please don't take anything personally, and thank you for your contributions to the Vaporizing world. Don't hesitate to 'stick around'.Rick said:Good job Duh.
I was wondering if this would be civil.
I happen to believe everything I said, especially the Eternal Now Moment.
Maybe I made a mistake even offering anything here?
[edit: I'm totally a believer in the Eternal Now Moment too.....]
Rick, thanks for stopping by here, it shows alot about you and your company, i hope to continue to see you around.