Here are some sketches @
iamn3ko and @
Quetzalcoatl made
a ways back in the Cera thread:
Edit: I imagine that the mechanism for affixing it to the Cera might need to be rethought?
For scale, the Cera has a 1 inch diameter.
The dark horizontal line that runs across the Cera in both sketches is where the switch meets the body. Maybe the hinge could be replaced with a simple horizontal ring that would be sandwiched between the switch and the body?
Really lost by those sketches (might help if I had a Cera or even knew what it looked like ha ha ha). If you can design the switch on google Sketchup or another CAD software (Tinkercad is also popular)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there plans to deploy printers to office depot and kinko's. (And maybe home depot??) There could possibly be quite a few more places in the near future where you can walk in with a file and walk out with an object.
Cool. One of my biggest gripes is the "not having three hands to load" problem.
There were plans to deploy printers to Office Depot (or some other big chain) in Europe - but this was a full-color paper printer (prints injet paper, glued together, and a laser cutter to cut the paper to size - good for architects, and designers, but not good for 'functional' models). But as far as I've heard, there really isn't any national chain which offers 3D printing just yet - the technology is still very new and would be cost-prohibitive to print currently.
HP is investing in 3D printing - though they are looking at industrial grade machines for use in 'print shops' - they don't anticipate the market to be very large for home 3D printers in the next few years.
Already on my 4th attempt to 3D print that stand - the first 3 attempts this morning failed at various stages - all because a static discharge is breaking the connection between the computer and the printer. Luckily, I can print directly from an SD card on my Replicator - so I was able to eliminate the computer from the equation. Hopefully it'll be done in an hour and I can test-fit it. I'm really looking forward to a proper stand to hold my Ascent while loading
Update - Unfortunately my designs were a bit too tight and while I can use it, I need to modify the design a bit. I've already modified my design slightly from this prototype, can't wait to start printing the new stand.
Another recent development - I have already reached out to @
vtac regarding listing my products for sale on this site. I plan to open a Shapeways store which will handle manufacturing and shipping my models to you guys. This means I can offer more exotic materials than if I printed it personally on my RepRaps.
For now, I'm waiting to hear back from Vtac - but my mind is racing - thinking about all the design possibilities. Air-tight TPE case for your portables anyone? mwahahaha