24mm joint bong. Pros, cons?


Active Member
Are there any significant advantages or disadvantages to purchasing a piece with a 24mm joint?

Thanks for helping a glass noob!


Revolting Peasant
Well I've only got a couple of pieces of cheap glass, and they're both 14mm, and so perhaps am not the best to comment, but to me it seems that the 24mm is definately a less common size (even rare?) and so I'd imagine it will be much harder to pair things with it.

The only real reason I could see myself for a larger diameter is to move larger quantities of air easier, which isn't something you're often looking to do when vaping anyway in my opinion. So I can't see any advantage to 24mm, just potential issues with compatibility. :2c:



Active Member
So, do you all prefer the 18mm female joint because you can drop down to 14, or do you use 18 to 18 diffusers?

It appears that 24 to 18 diffusers are somewhat easy to come by, but dropping down to 14 from 24 seems a bit more complicated and uncommon. 18 to 18, while not as low profile, are common as are 18 to 14.

I guess a better question would be what would be the preferred female diffuser joint size?

Is there a reason to choose 14mm as the diffuser's female joint size?


Well-Known Member
All of my accesories are 14, so I prefer a 18 size joint on the tube, usually with a low profile reducing downstem,

yes, there is a reaosn to choose 14 as the downstems female joint size, more vaporizers and parts are compatible that way. For example, the standard stock stems for the PD, the MZ, and the WDZ all fit DIRECTLY into a 14mm female joint, no other parts needed.

14mm is far more common for adapters, slides, etc

messing with 24s are a whole nother ball game.


Well-Known Member
Is there a reason to choose 14mm as the diffuser's female joint size?

The reason in my mind would have to be in terms of compatibility with existing glass. Some may prefer the 14mm to the 18mm due to the smaller bore but I think that the overall design of the piece will have a greater effect than the joint's size on its own.

Others, and it seems you allude to this yourself, have commented that the 24mm joints are relatively harder to come by (relative to the widespread availability of 18m joints). That said, I see no advantage (especially from your perspective, that is it doesn't seem to matter to you qualitatively) to the 24mm joint in your scenario. I'd say shop for whats cheapest (without sacrificing quality of course!) if you don't have any preexisting glass constraining your decision.


Well-Known Member
Around here, I mostly see are 18mm. 14mm just started showing up in the last month. I've yet to see a 24mm and thought for a minute maybe you had made a typo.


Active Member
Thank you very much everyone for your input. :) It was a big help.

After considering your posts and scouring the internets for information, a decision was reached and acted upon.

My first step on the road to glass vaping has been taken. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry too much about diffuser joint size nowadays. You can contact many glassblowers directly to get custom things made. It's not hard to get a downstem made with a standard joint. I'm starting to like diffys larger than 18mm, that way I can flush mount 18mm attachments.
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