1st Time Smoke Dope Anniversary


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
Do folks remember the first time they tried it? I do. It didn't work for me, and I thought my friends were faking it.

My 42 year anniversary of smoking dope is this Halloween. My, how time flies. I think I'll go to a concert. Anyone heard of Girlyman? They're a 3- person singer/songwriter group into intense harmonies. They recently released a new album, and their West Coast Album Tour coincides for me. Bonus!

Girlyman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRyBluQrLvY


Yep I remember.

First time didn't work either, bunch of us with pipes made out of pens (all plastic :uhoh:), this was back ~13yo's.

*skip 2 years*

Complete amateur, smoked a homemade bong, had basically a full gram of weed in it, torched the entire bowl, inhaled the entire chamber... GONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE, 30 minute coughing attack followed by 5 hours of non-stop laughter and eating 4 liters of ice-cream out of the tub.

The rest is history :ninja:


Rock the Casbah
Congrats! I haven't heard of the band though.

My first time was when I was 17 from my friends in the forest outside school. I didn't feel anything either since I must have smoked it wrong.

Once I hit 21, my friend brought back an oz from BC and I just started smoking more and more and more over the years. Many more years to come!


Well-Known Member
I remember my first time. I was 15 and during summer break. It was a really good sativa. Grinned and laughed like a madman :ko:. It was great.

Edit: I just realized I've been smoking(now vaping) mj for twenty years. That's over half the time I've been alive. Damn I must be getting olg :lol:.


Still hasn't been a year since I've started. Jumped on vaporizing after the second time I smoked.


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
I first smoked some "dirt weed" Mexican stuff with my friends just a little over 40 years ago.

They had been getting high already and they took me out to the local bridge where we climbed down under it to smoke. I had several hits and never got off one bit. My friend later said he was pissed because it was good stuff and he only had a little bit and didn't want to waste it.

To make a long story shorter, this happened 2 more times, on different days, before finally I felt it. Then I loved it and started smoking regularly. Though I have taken "sabbaticals" from it here and there over the years, sometimes for years at a time.

[Incidentally, my having trouble getting high on mj was AFTER I had done lysergic acid diethylamide, and I had no problem feeling the effects of that. That shit blew my mind. But that's another thread...]

My question is, why is it that marijuana often does not get the person high the first time or two or three? I remember back before Andrew Weil became a health guru to aging yuppies, he was a hippie and he wrote a book called "Natural Mind" in which he explained that "getting high" on mj was kind of like a placebo effect, that it only worked after we had learned how we were supposed to be affected by it.

I always thought this was pure B.S.. and I dont' mean Bachelor of Science.

But then, why IS it that people often don't get off their first few times of smoking mj? Any theories or facts on this? Maybe now they know the answer to this? By the way, does this STILL happen? Or is the stuff that grows nowadays knock everyone's socks off on the first go 'round?


First couple times was with some buddies and a little metal pipe..
Didn't feel a thing..could have been due to low qual brick weed...but...eh
Then a bong showed me how to get HIGH! :p
I then understood the possabilities.

I think some people try it once and some dislike it, or get no effect. When I really believe there is a bit of a learning curve to get the "effects" you personally desire. Let alone method of injestion is also key for some.

[I think its similar for vaping...there is a learning curve involved on how to properly 'hit it' to get an effect (there are many people who say they don't feel it..or get any effect..and stick to burning)...same thing w/ normal smoking. How long to burn, how long/hard to pull..when to stop..and so on.]

Like me, I personally don't really enjoy Bongs, they put me in a state I don't really enjoy (maybe its just "too high")..
If that is the first and only experiance I'd have, I wouldn't like MJ..but instead I know its more so that I'm not a big fan of bongs for everyday use.

But if you realize there are multiple types (and levels) of highs..and ways of attaining them..and decide which you enjoy the most. Stick to it. :)

<Hmmm where is that vaporizer smily/icon? :)>


About 42 years ago at a National Guard training weekend. I was 21. We were a tank unit and were doing a night firing exercise. Firing the big one and the 30 and 50 cal machine guns. Night firing always has tracers every few rounds(lit up bullets). Yes, I got very affected that first time. The stuff was good I guess plus the environment. National Guard in those days was semi organized chaos and it was dark when I first tried. Unforgettable experience and I slept like a baby on a cot out in the fog on a cold night.

I think the paranoia factor affects first time users. Also, the comments here about first time use show how mild a drug MJ really is. Not like first time booze experience, eh?
On the other hand a close friend came over shortly after that. He was a captain in the regular Army. We had what was described to us as "Panama Red". It was very good and dark brownish red. Friend tried some and totally freaked. Thought he was dying, went right to the emergency room. When he told the doc what was up, the Dr just laughed and told him to go home and sleep it off.
Santa Cruz area.

ALSO, over the years I have noticed some people do not like it. I have concluded that many of them just do not like to "get close to themselves" a a neighbor described to me. Maybe they are afraid of what's in there? I don't know but it surely has been and will be an interesting journey.


Well-Known Member
My first time (13 years ago now, I got a late start) was off a pretty large multi-chambered bong ("Tubey") which was chambered for me and I was instructed to just inhale and hold. I still remember lying on the table 5 minutes later saying over and over "I've been hit in the back with a tranq gun. I'm melting into the table." So not all first times are duds, perhaps it is also related to inhale techniques? That could be something that takes a few times to learn, having my first time off a pre-chambered bong made it pretty foolproof.


Well-Known Member
I know that my first time we didnt get a buzz , we smoked like a 1/4 zip over probly 3-4 hours , 3 people around 13 yrs old . We found a older brothers stash and just took it ( Im sorry now but we was stupid then ) We smoked and smoked and didnt realy feel anything . The next weekend we still had a little bit , like maybe 5 grams same 3 people smoke a few bowls ( I dont even remeber what kind of bowl , probly some junk metal something ) we got jacked up , sat in that tree house and laughed all night . It was all down hill after that . :brow:


Vaked Chemist
MoeOnTheMoon said:
My question is, why is it that marijuana often does not get the person high the first time or two or three? I remember back before Andrew Weil became a health guru to aging yuppies, he was a hippie and he wrote a book called "Natural Mind" in which he explained that "getting high" on mj was kind of like a placebo effect, that it only worked after we had learned how we were supposed to be affected by it.

I always thought this was pure B.S.. and I dont' mean Bachelor of Science.

But then, why IS it that people often don't get off their first few times of smoking mj? Any theories or facts on this?
I'll take a shot at this, although it is mostly speculation on my part:

It may have to do with the number of receptors in the body. Everyone has a different number of CB-1 and CB-2 receptors in their body, which utilize the endocannabinoids that the body produces (this differs as well). The first time we toke, a lack of receptors (relatively) means we cannot process the cannas that are being introduced. Since the body is so amazing and can adapt so well, I believe that it can produce more receptors if needed (to a point). The next time we introduce mj, we can process more actives, and hence, get more effect. This could be related to tolerance as well, after a while. Of course, anxiety and even paranoia during the initial toking could also play a role.

my :2c:


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
I suspect the quality was bad on my first dube: but my friends (looking back through the haze we think of as memory) seemed pretty silly. Could have been an act, but it wasn't their 1st time to do doobies.

My first "awareness" of dope existing in my surroundings was a few months earlier at the Kings Beach Bowl at North Shore, Tahoe: it was my very first rock concert. Steppenwolf I think. The Born to Wild guys.

It makes me giggle looking back.


Well-Known Member
My "awareness" was because my parents were ex-hippies. They tried to hide but I don't think they could have succeded in that endeavour. I was too damn nosy ;).


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
SmogTown said:
My "awareness" was because my parents were ex-hippies. They tried to hide but I don't think they could have succeded in that endeavour. I was too damn nosy ;).
I have friends from high school that married and had children. The DARE program was running hot and heavy in the grade schools, and my friend's twin daughters found a pipe and perhaps a fragment of herb in her purse. The girls burst out crying, and the kids were so frightened. They asked their Mom if the Dad knew, etc.

My friend at the time said it would never end: she used to hide it from her parents, and then it became hiding it from the kids....


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
Rick said:
About 42 years ago at a National Guard training weekend. I was 21. We were a tank unit and were doing a night firing exercise. Firing the big one and the 30 and 50 cal machine guns. Night firing always has tracers every few rounds(lit up bullets). Yes, I got very affected that first time. The stuff was good I guess plus the environment. National Guard in those days was semi organized chaos and it was dark when I first tried. Unforgettable experience and I slept like a baby on a cot out in the fog on a cold night.

I think the paranoia factor affects first time users. Also, the comments here about first time use show how mild a drug MJ really is. Not like first time booze experience, eh?
On the other hand a close friend came over shortly after that. He was a captain in the regular Army. We had what was described to us as "Panama Red". It was very good and dark brownish red. Friend tried some and totally freaked. Thought he was dying, went right to the emergency room. When he told the doc what was up, the Dr just laughed and told him to go home and sleep it off.
Santa Cruz area.

ALSO, over the years I have noticed some people do not like it. I have concluded that many of them just do not like to "get close to themselves" a a neighbor described to me. Maybe they are afraid of what's in there? I don't know but it surely has been and will be an interesting journey.
Rick, I had some Panama Red back in the early 70's - that was the only time I've ever seen it. It was good. I also had some "Park Lane" cigarettes (mj) from Viet Nam, one time. Someone had brought some back with them and my friend got ahold of one of the cigarettes. They came in a pack just like cigarettes. Anyone here ever see those?

Never knew anybody that went to the hospital due to mj! That's funny! Actually, though, one time I did get real shakey on it, back when I was a teenager, like I was shivering and felt very uncomfortable. I think it was probably laced with some shit. I just layed down and tried to sleep it off.

But I know people who went and others who almost went to the hospital on lsd. That stuff can really throw you for a loop and I don't recommend it. Mushroom are much, MUCH better.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
If someone is not used to really good resinous pot, and takes too much, especially on an empty stomach, they can feel physically ill.

A friend who had married, but got a night off once came by, and my brother, my friend and I smoked a few whatevers (pipeloads, joints) really good stuff, had a couple of beers and zoomed off top go see Poltergeist. The theater wasn't too full.

I could tell my friend was feeling poorly, even, you know, kinda dry heaves, my brother suggested we should leave, but the movie was getting good. Just when the little girl turns to the camera and says, "There here", my friend, trying to hold it back, shot though air as if he were in a spitting competition, a stream of vomit that arched over three rows and got the chick with the long hair. "Oh, yuck"' was the wail that we heard as we scuttled from the theater.

Memories. They're so beautiful. And then......


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
That's too funny, macbill! If they put that scene in a movie people would say it was "too hard to believe".

Actually a friend of mine who has smoked herb for years, but has been smoking less lately, recently smoked some really strong stuff, and ended up basically passing out and they were worried about him for awhile but when he woke up he said he was fine.

I haven't had anything like that happen since I took several codeine+tylenols after some tooth/gum surgery, and then drank a couple tequilas. Bad idea. I fainted but didn't go out, and when I tried to get up I had to lay back down. After a few minutes I was okay. But I"m careful about mixing alcohol and codeine, now. Wine and herb can be dangerous for me as well. One of the nice things about herb is that it helps me cut down on my alcohol consumption because they don't mix well for me except in small quantities of alcohol.


Charles Urbane
The first timd I consumed was in May 1977. Did not get high but I may have been exhaling as quickly as I inhaled. A couple of days later I smoked again and there was no turning back. Fast forward about a month and a half. I am in Hawaii for 3 weeks just out of high school with my mom, dad and sister, My cousin (same age as myself), his sister, mom and our grandma. My cousin decided to pop his cannabis cherry on this trip. Since we were both newbs we bought some ineffective crap a couple of times. We finally lucked out and scored some elephant stick from a guy who was selling on Waikiki Beach. What a way to start ones love affair with the herb.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I haven't really thought about it until now but I've been smoking for half of my life. The first time I was 18. I was also drinking Mad Dog 20/20 (I know the MD isn't mad dog) at the time so I couldn't tell if I got any effects from the herb. I became a regular smoker at 19 and it is now 19 years later. Wow.
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