1MT by Herbaltherm - all-glass CORDLESS Hybrid 19mm


Well-Known Member
I ordered the 5DT so waiting eagerly for that but is there anything preventing one from heating the 1MT with a torch instead of a coil?
No, not as far as I can tell. Your fingers would be close to the flame but it's the same with the Verdavap, etc. I'd probably just hold it by the taper, bet it'd work fine.

I ordered the 5DT so waiting eagerly for that but is there anything preventing one from heating the 1MT with a torch instead of a coil?
Ah, nice. Hope you'll share your thoughts, I've been thinking about that one as well!
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Well-Known Member
Company Rep
@Yoosh nice rip :tup: The size of it is appealing. Do you hold it by hand suspended in the coil? And for how long?
No you don't have to hold it you just drop it into the coil and it's ready for you whenever you want a hit! 1MT will take 10-15 min to get fully heat soaked. Once the 1MT is up to temp you can pack it and place it in the coil for about 1 min and it'll produce huge clouds.

Yeah the 1MT is tiny compared to my ball vapes or my log vapes. It fits on water pipes with ease and doesn't get in the way.
It's got a shim made of screen that helps hold it in position in the coil; it's easy to place and remove with tweezers if you are switching between vapes. I let mine heat for 15 mins or so; I've been running it at 500F+and get great results.
I stopped using the metal shims altogether and I'm still getting great performance!

I ordered the 5DT so waiting eagerly for that but is there anything preventing one from heating the 1MT with a torch instead of a coil?
Awesome let me know what you think of the 5DT! Yes I'm sure you could heat the 1MT with a torch, or even the 5DT :science:

Also, here's a longer video of the 1MT with the Hot Hole:


New Member
@Vapouristo hasn’t been back since the initial hype post for this magical mystical all-glass cordless vape. I believe the 1MT is either complete poppycock or another repurposed lab-glass butane vape, which just ain’t my bag baby.

But if somebody makes a pristine, pure glass electronic powerhouse that’s also cordless, I’m in that queue for sure.
Not sure why a company rep would start a product thread and then disappear for a month?
Hi I just came across this. Idk who else tried making one! I actually made exactly what your looking for! I have a battery powered portable all glass electronic convection vaporizer. The one I made myself is in between mighty/crafty size. It has an isolated all glass air and vapor path. They are both 100% isolated from the heater and from all other possible contaminates. This dhv uses custom made glass for the heating assembly, heater, mouthpiece, and accessories. it is a powerhouse for sure. I can make them but first I would need to get it patented as I believe it to be “groundbreaking” tech? If I got a patent I can satisfy you and all the people like me that know if were going to be breathing in heated air to enjoy our cannabinoids we should only be breathing it in through glass! If your in north east pa lmk and we could link up for you to idk try it? If you have any means, like your dads a patent attorney lmk
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