So I'm currently at a crossroads between an Underdog and an Enano, a predicament that no doubt many log vape users before me have found themselves struggling with. I have spent hours reading through FC and Reddit forums on both products, but I am still not entirely sold on either. If you have...
As my Purple Days began rattling itself to death I decided to buy a new desktop vaporizer. Thus began my search for the ideal vaporizer for me. I wound up owning three very different vaporizers and I thought someone somewhere might find it helpful to have a comparison. I won't go into...
Hey FC,
I'm a looooong time lurker here (4 years). I've come to really value the advise and opinions of this community and hope you guys can help me out :)
Initially switched to vaping to conserve material but overtime have come to really prefer the more "medicinal effects" of vaping.
So two...
Hey guys, I need some advice, I've been lurking here for weeks but I finally joined yesterday and this is my first post.
I'm looking to transition from smoking to vaping and after doing some research I've narrowed the search down to the Lotus, Underdog, and the e-nano.
They all seem to have...
I have owned the Underdog with a standard core and a variety of stems for a bit more than a month now. It has seen use multiple times daily, and I have experimented with it often in order to get the best results. I have had the E-nano for two days now, but I feel like I am capable of using it...