
  1. P

    10t vs 12t dabpress

    I'm torn between the 10t and 12t It's mostly for personal use but it's gonna cost 90 extra dollars to get the 12 over the 10. I want the gauge as to why I'm looking at the 10 and 12. I read somewhere that the 12 gives bigger yields but also takes longer to heat up ? I am not sure how true...
  2. S

    Gear Parchment paper brands and qualities for rosin pressing

    As I still often tear apart my no-name parchment paper when pressing rosin, I wonder what brands of paper you use? I always use two layers to make sure. I would like to establish a list of paper brands that work fine and point out the brands that have paper that is too thin or tears up fast...
  3. FlashVAPE

    FV Rosintech: driptech presses for paperless rosin production and more!

    FlashVAPE is proud to present FV Rosintech FV has been in the 420/710 game since 2012, and is still one of the best portable electronic dab rigs for concentrates such as rosin. As many members know, rosin is made from pure mechanical extraction, through the application of heat and...
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