
  1. Creeper

    Vyvanse and cannabis

    Hello FC fam! Been a while but this forum was super helpful in my past medical research so I'm back with another post. Just this past week I was diagnosed with ADHD (predominantly inattentive type - moderate). I started to read the book my psychologist recommended called Fast Minds and so...
  2. B

    Tek Newb here, Have a lot of AVB and a lot of questions and photos. (i hate edibles/drinkables)

    So basically the moral of this thread is that i have a little of everything sitting around: AVB, AVB QWISO extract, AVB sifted, & AVK (Already Vaped Kief) {not sifted avb} I've done the QWISO method, but i don't know if i let it evaporate enough to get all the alcohol out. I froze that batch...
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