
  1. Shit Snacks

    (un-named) "portable dry herb vaporizer" on Instagram...?

    Seems like there is something coming from Asia?(China?), this Instagram account, posted some photos of some top-tier vapes (TetraP80, Firewood7, Tinymight, Mighty+) and now seems to be posting possibly similar prototypes of their own...
  2. J

    What vape is this?

    Hey there! I saw a vaporizer posted cheap online, but was curious if the vaporizer could be identified. From the pictures, it looks like an old extreme q, but I wasn’t sure. Chinese knockoff or just a super old extreme q? Thanks for the help!!
  3. Wakano

    Invader Mini Purchase Advice

    Hey guys, I'm looking to buy the Invader Mini Mod, and found a website with prices that seem a little too good to be true. I was wondering if anyone had purchased an IM or other product from there, and if so, was the...
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