
  1. Jill NYC

    Safely Dispose ISO

    Now that I have an Ultrasonic cleaner, I have been reusing larger amounts of ISO. I am not planning on using it for any extraction and I’ve heard from others it is bad to toss it down the drain. Is this true? If so, what am I supposed to do with it when it gets too brown to clean well anymore...
  2. misanthrope

    Is RSO vapable?

    Hello Everyone, I've not posted for quite some time, but there is something I've been wondering. Is RSO vapable and if so, ThabThaThabjsis it doable in a Solo or Ssv? I have read different things online, some of which warn against the risks of inhaling solvents etc Forgive my ignorance if...
  3. D

    Reclaim 101

    Hi. Looking through this forum there isn't a thread that truly explains each step, and disclaimers for each step. So far I've read: 1. put Arizer Solo stem in Shot glass full of iso, flip it when the bottom is done 2. pour iso solution through coffee filter 3. let it evaporate? questions I...
  4. D

    ISO Reclaim method

    Hi. Looking through this forum there isn't a thread that truly explains each step, and disclaimers for each step. So far I've read: 1. put Arizer Solo stem in Shot glass full of iso, flip it when the bottom is done 2. pour iso solution through coffee filter 3. let it evaporate? questions...
  5. Hook02

    Vape Stem/Bubbler reclaim

    i'm about to do my first iso clean on my arizer air stems and bubbler, and don't know if the oil residue/iso mix will be worth evaporating since i don't think ill get enough extraction out of it. so I was just wondering can i clean my glass and then store the used iso/oil mix in a mason jar...
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