concentrate vape

  1. Terpene Station

    Weed Vaping Review site

    Hello FC community, This is my first time posting but I have read many postings through the years on this site and thought it would be a great place to ask this question. I have been vaping weed for the past 3.5 years with my own devices. Before that, I have tried the S+B Plenty, Hybrid, and...
  2. LesPlenty

    DrDabber Switch vs Puffco Peak Pro vs Daab

    I have had a Puffco Peak Pro for a while and was really enjoying it but it has developed a fault and died. My Aussie seller has said Puffco are no longer posting to Australia (SPEWIN')and that he would offer me a refund or give me a DrDabber Switch as compensation. The DrDabber is more...
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