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  1. N

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Completely agree with all except: Many _tobacco_ vapes use the term. My first thought was of the original Ploom, but from the Pax web page at we still see the title description as: "the premium loose leaf vaporizer" So as much as I love my TET/TV gear, they didn't...
  2. N

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    You should have asked around. My friends and I (plus plenty of other people) had more than enough gear to share. Fun trip. -NDA
  3. N

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    If I'm reading correctly, I see "Approved For Use ..." lists the Minicron(?), O-Phos and Omicron-lite; How do those handles work with the CORE? (For anyone else - the green under yellow under white text in the photo - And yes, the rest of the text is mostly legible also.) -NDA
  4. N

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Could we have a show of hands? Who has a Herc SR-71 and has NOT fried a top? Was it old, very old (i.e. no serial number) or new (with timeout)? Who has a SR-71 and has fried at least one top? Do we have more people with gear going up in puffs of smoke or do we have more vapor going through...
  5. N

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Actually thermal noise is important, but the "Kelvin" connection is why the Brits call the circuit a Thomson Bridge: Lord Kelvin invented the circuit (specifically to measure low resistance values) BEFORE he was made a "Lord". And yes, I do understand what you seem to be saying (and you are...
  6. N

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    The "Kelvin Clips" are used to form a Kelvin bridge - a circuit where a voltage differential exists across a wire which doesn't carry (very much - they can't be perfect) current. Named for Lord Kelvin of absolute zero fame. Should be just a note or not covered at all in most intro electrical...
  7. N

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    It might be very embarrassing to be "held reliable" - I may just stick with the undependable vendors - more surprises (and excitement?) that way. G, It has been asked but not answered: Do the old tanks for the Herc fit into the V2/SR-71 with all or any of the "washer fixes", "new SS top", the...
  8. N

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    If it were to happen soon, I could clear a good chunk of my Christmas list, but I really doubt i would/could happen - TV/TET doesn't possess the tools to make new bodies anymore (IIRC it was leased equipment that is now gone). -NDA
  9. N

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    It may be a cheap meter, but this sounds exactly like difficulties placing and/or holding the probes in contact with the correct points. There was a good reason both OF and I explained why and how we place the probes so they don't slip and slide too much. A third trick - good for fat-fingered...
  10. N

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    :cry: Unfortunately, this would seem to be the first report of the blown heads G told us were expected with the SR-71's :( -NDA
  11. N

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Put one lead on the center conductor at the threaded bottom. The other may go nearly anywhere, but I find the easiest way to hold the cart and probes is to place the second probe on/in the top of the internal flue tube (I "poke" the tip in and it doesn't slip and slide as much as trying to make...
  12. N

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I've also noticed that this industry is overwhelmed by futile ideas. Maybe we can work on developing the fertile ones instead. -NDA
  13. N

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    510 drip tips are the correct diameter, but many (most?) are too long at the bottom under the shoulder. I have a bunch of ones I ground down (some by hand with a file, some on a Dremel) which work fine. Also, D9 sells Delrin (vs. metal or glass) 510 drip tips which are already the correct (re...
  14. N

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    previous words: Though it seems the newest TV supply, i.e. CERA, is slightly more fragile (I still expect I'll _have_ to get one, soon if the thread adapters take very much longer). -NDA
  15. N

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    I believe with a little effort you can find that Chris Knight solved this problem back in 1985: Use excited bromide (sic) in a frozen argon matrix. If nothing else it can make popcorn. -NDA
  16. N

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    At the least, 3 - one to use, another while the dirty one is being cleaned (or just procrastinating), plus a spare in case anything breaks. -NDA
  17. N

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Same thing from 5 and 1/2 months ago - purple light: Works fine though :) -NDA
  18. N

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Blue/Violet jars are pretty, but if anyone believes that they are "good" or even "might" improve anything, I have some cardboard pyramids that you can use to keep your razor blades sharp for years (magic comes in many forms). And they're cheap too, -NDA P.S. The general rule for any...
  19. N

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Geez guys, Regarding the Nibbler-X and cooling, it seems everybody here is part correct and yet missing an important point. OF is right that glass is a good insulator and I'd bet with him in guessing that the temperature of the cartridge actually increases somewhat rather than running...
  20. N

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    $7500 for equipment: -NDA EDIT: Sorry, the newer less expensive stuff isn't for CO2. The price is still ~$20K for CO2 gear (i.e. high pressure) from the same company:
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