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  1. H

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    Even though I've never used a couchlog, I believe his account. All these ball/log hybrids that I've seen are still using low wattage DC power supplies. This means they have the same achilles heel, the fact that they're all putting in less than 12 watts of energy into the heater core. No matter...
  2. H

    Is there any good use for my grasshopper vape now that it's broken and the company is out of business?

    I feel like maybe there is potential to repurpose it into a ball vape or something if I can find the right coil and figure out how to trap the balls inside. I have the 14 mm head for it. Was kind of hoping some mad lad had already paved the way and had a guide or something. Also, mine is not...
  3. H

    Is there any good use for my grasshopper vape now that it's broken and the company is out of business?

    I preordered a grasshopper vape and for the 5 days it worked it was an amazing vape, then it broke and I sent it back to get fixed and they sent it back to me still broken so I just put it in a drawer and forgot about it. I just checked and now they're out of business. Is there any way I can get...
  4. H

    The GTR

    Does anyone here own both a GTR and an underdog alpha and/or e-nano XL and/or a couchlog? I'm curious to know how you think they compare and which you favor and why.
  5. H

    Thinking about getting my hands on a nice set of balls for my enjoyment. I have some questions though.

    It is a fair point. I mean I spend $400 a month on weed. In my mind that's why I didn't want to spend a lot on a vape because I already spend a lot, but taken a different way you can make the case that you would be better off paying a premium for the best device available. However, that only...
  6. H

    Thinking about getting my hands on a nice set of balls for my enjoyment. I have some questions though.

    Hi there! Good to know we have some wireless ball vape fans. Also good to know that bigger is not always better and you don't favor the epitome over the omega. I also like the versatility of the omega. Can't say this will make my decision any easier but I'll take a look. Never even heard of the...
  7. H

    Thinking about getting my hands on a nice set of balls for my enjoyment. I have some questions though.

    Thanks for the reply! I always use my vape at my desk so maybe I don't really need the wireless either but as long as it doesn't negatively affect the extraction you can get it seems like it would be just a little more convenient and safer so I think I'm probably going to go wireless. Do you...
  8. H

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Can someone who has owned the alpha and the alpha+ speak to the differences? I'm not sure if they're still making the alpha+ because they don't list any on the site but if they do I'm curious to know if it's worth it. From what I understand, the amount of energy being pumped into all the vapes...
  9. H

    Paranoia From Weed?

    I do think it has something to do with the introduction of indicas since then. Most of the weed back then was sativa. Now sativas have pretty much been bred out of existence. Even seeds advertised as sativas are actually hybrids because no one wants to deal with the long grow time or high...
  10. H

    Thinking about getting my hands on a nice set of balls for my enjoyment. I have some questions though.

    If this is tl;dr for you, you can just skip to my questions which are numbered at the end. Thanks! Hi guys, long time lurker, first time poster here. My current SC2 underdog that I've had for many years is showing signs of core death. This is my fourth log vape so I know the signs of core...
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