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  1. 0xfalk

    The "Stunner"

    What a great thread, I‘ve read through it and got a stunner last sunday. Can’t wait to have it and to share it with friends. I guess you will have some orders from Germany coming in soon :)
  2. 0xfalk

    The Toad from Morwood

    Good to know that batch 11 is not out yet. Gotta say I‘m more than happy to wait a few more months after lurking for two years :D
  3. 0xfalk

    The Toad from Morwood

    Hi Fangorn, thanks for the welcome and for sharing your experience with the Toad :) I‘m on page 22 atm and it’s so nice reading back on the story behind this piece of art. FC is truly a great community, I’m glad I finally joined as an active member!
  4. 0xfalk

    The Toad from Morwood

    Thanks a lot :) do you have one too? Would love to read about long time experiences with it
  5. 0xfalk

    The Toad from Morwood

    Hi everyone, I’m a long time lurker here on FC and just signed up yesterday to share my joy and excitement with you. Got super lucky and snagged Toad #187 yesterday. I love the color green so this more than I could‘ve asked for. How are the early Toads holding up after years of usage and...
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