would a right angle power cord help for the heads using this unit back n fworth between table pieces? just seems like itd be less bulky.... might try to find a nicer cloth braided cord for this....
all my avail work is on instagram, use that link if you dont have a phone or IG. you can always PM me to see the newest stuff!
thank you!
Damn you're right! either way im still getting what i consider to be one of the best flower vapes....i really have nothing to complain about hahaha im excited as fuck anyways! I forgot im getting a dry mouthpiece too!
My thoughts at first, def more HT options but my price after shipping was $384 shipped....for a set of 5 nails, 6 ELB's, HT, evo, sleeve..... just kinda get a few more little extras, i personally woulda loved an evolver HT instead tho :\
Thanks bud :)
is there any improvements that could be made with these? shorter? longer? more flow? im really excited to get my unit for herbs but this has me really curious since all i do is low temp off quartz now adays...
as far as boro and quartz nails go, what are the main differences? I see quartz already being tougher overall, easier to clean.... do the nails ever get gnarly like a banger and eventually have to be replaced? or does simple iso make it look like new? do they preform different? thanks :)
thanks dude :) just made this today too
Perfectly set taper, top and bottom O-ring fully sealed, less than a MM of gap from the top of the joint to the bottom of the adapter....aqua lipwrap straight and crispy as well :)
extra heavy wall. you can drop this. i also made this on some LSD so im...
Making any kind of vertical water tool besides a Circ perc is gonna be pretty damn hard to do by hand without a lathe....i had some Klein esq ideas (not recycling, just self penetrating) Doing a Klein seal on a handmade 18mm Joint with a Dewar seal while keeping everything centered is gonna be a...