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  1. F

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Whew! I just reassembled mine after the upper glass broke. It had a bunch of tiny fragments at the bottom that rattled around, so I thought "Oh I might as well get rid of them." Well after screwing with the screw and removing the board, I accidentally removed the heater coil from the lower...
  2. F

    TinyMight Ordering & Shipping Thread

    Pending: 2021-09-24 Complete: 2021-09-26 Still waiting for shipment. :shrug:
  3. F

    How do you clean your grinder?

    Let's face it... sometimes your bud is kinda sticky. Years of that through a milled grinder gets kinda gross. How do you get rid of it all? My grinder is milled aluminum with a steel screen and clear acrylic top. What solvents are safe to use? It's going on 10 years old and *really* gross.
  4. F

    Quickest most effect way to clean Bong

    I've had really good luck with 100% acetone on glass. It's super aggressive and you need to be very careful because it is much more flammable than iso, in addition to its otherwise foul properties. But holy crap does it chew through old tough deposits.
  5. F

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Bought my tinymight just a few hours ago. I can't wait to never combust again!
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