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  1. 3serieSensi

    One day left sale- German Porsche Torch - 30 bucks

    Hey guys, I found a 2-day sale that is almost over, selling Porsche lighters (the Porsche PD6) for 29 dollars. I found this same deal on other color models earlier this year and have been using them to vape my glass pcoket vape. Not affiliated with them in any way just thought that people...
  2. 3serieSensi

    Can one vaporize.... cannabutter?

    Hello all. Just getting my day going after a long night and some Jose Cuervo after wine after Stoli 100.... not sure what i was thinking, but no real hangover..... Point is, I have a buttload of good butter in the fridge, and was curious if I could Vapo it like hash or oil, only because I...
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