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  1. SubRosa

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Guess I'll keep waiting for the 4.5
  2. SubRosa

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Am I correct that the 4.5 isn't being sold independently? If you want one you have to buy a 4 and the upgrade parts and assemble yourself? I think it's what I want, but it seems wasteful. Considering going for the SIC Quest instead?
  3. SubRosa

    Divine Tribe atty's

    I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, all of my testing and results was on my VTC Mini running the latest ArcticFox. I run Windows 10, but the thread I linked has a downloadable script on the second page that seems to download and configure all the wine stuff for you, but I'm not actually a Mac person...
  4. SubRosa

    Divine Tribe atty's
  5. SubRosa

    Divine Tribe atty's

    I feel like my answer to this is pretty close to your reply to Hackerman. If the temp in the cup is all that matters, why care about any mod settings at all? Because they are a means to that end. Of course it is the temp in the cup that matters, and five different profiles that all top out at a...
  6. SubRosa

    Divine Tribe atty's

    This results in a top resistance of .362Ω I have observed absolutely no overshoot at any wattage selected. From cold it takes about 10 seconds to hit .362Ω, but it is taking much longer than ten seconds for the rods to come up to usable temperature let alone the bucket, so I can't see how...
  7. SubRosa

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Been a long time since I've caught up on this thread since getting my first DT 2.5 a long, long time ago. It finally died due to a fall, and in addition to getting another couple of 2.5s, I couldn't pass on the QQ because the good stuff not touching the heating element or being able to melt down...
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