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    ruptured ear drum

    I seem to have ruptured my ear dream. I can hold my nose and blow and hear air escaping through my right ear. I was wondering if it was safe to vape. Safe to wear headphones. Just in general anything you guys can help me with. Apparently this is common so I am hoping for people who have...
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    anyone have experience with

    Hi recently found this site claiming to sell vape pens that are the same quality as other pens just not as marked up. There are youtube videos of these pens too. Was hoping some of you could post your experiences if you had any
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    Gonna be moving in a couple weeks and don't want to risk shipping from china. Willing to spend 50-60$ and cover shipping. Let me know if your interested
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    Holiday Wishlist

    Hey guys didn't see any threads regarding this topic so I figured why not make one. Post what you would like to receive for the holidays it doesn't matter what it is or the price. Post what you have in mind Things I would like: 1x standard black Jyarz strorage container Some more glass :p Far...
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