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  1. xantichristx

    Customized vape setups

    Just got mine together this week and it looks good. Thought about showing it off. mod note: This thread has been retitled, from 'pics of your current vape setup', to 'customized vape setups', since that's what the topic has become. This is no longer the place to post your 'out of the box'...
  2. xantichristx

    What do you think about this glass pipe online dealer

    Just ordered from here and they seem to have some very resonable prices at least better than I've seen in my local headshops. Check them out
  3. xantichristx

    Does anyone have a cure for the munchies ,besides eating?

    Vaping is great but when I get the munchies I know in about an hour I'll be passed out. Eating too much makes me so sleepy If anybody has any hints to keeping a balanced eating habit let me know. The longer I hold out oneating ,the more I end up eating when I do. Does this make any since at all.
  4. xantichristx

    How long does a 1oz. of good bud last you in you vaporizer

    I ll vape about an 1/2 oz. a month. Thats vaping once in the morning and once in the evening with my girlfriend then if i am off the next day I vape again around 10 p.m.
  5. xantichristx

    Turn Your DBV into a SSV

    Just discoverd by placing you DBV at an 45 degree angle and manually holding you hands free wand you get some major hits. It also resembles the SSV also going to try to custom cut my DBVs base and adding stilts in the back. pros 1. herb stays on screen longer due to gravity. 2. hits...
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