Search results

  1. T

    Drip Tip Stores US Based Online?

    Anyone know of any US based drip tip stores with large inventories? Something like The Drip Tip Store in the UK. I've been going mad trying to find some stores that carry more than just a few. The only ones I've found with a somewhat decent selection are There's gotta...
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    Want to Buy Mad Heaters Revolve Gen. 2

    I'll gladly take a Revolve even though I'm really just looking for the cooling unit part of it, just incase anyone has an extra spiral laying around.
  3. T

    Want to Buy Lamart Smoked Or Gold Fumed Nub

    I Will Not Break This One. I Will Not Break This One. I Will Not Break This One. And if your Mr. so and so with one post who has a "friend" with a gmail account that seems to always have a nub, please don't bother, I think I've told you to f*ck off enough by this point.
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    Want to Buy Lamart Smoked Nub

  5. T

    Completed Gold Shell Shock Stem
  6. T

    Completed $40 & Under Vapes (Or Trade For Lamart Nub) (Vapopipe = SOLD) (Dotleaf = SOLD) (AirVape = SOLD)

    US + Paypal Only. Can provide more, or bigger pics of anything if needed. Everything is super clean, if it doesn't look it then it was just a bad pic. All vapes have only been used between 5-15 times total. Vapopipe - $30 (SOLD) (Left one pic of it for my signature to still be present)...
  7. T

    Completed $50 & Under Vapes (LSV= SOLD) (Nova = SOLD) (Arizer = KEEPING)

    US + Paypal Only. Can provide more, or bigger pics of anything if needed. Everything is super clean, if it doesn't look it then it was just a bad pic. All vapes have only been used between 3-10 times total. Nova - $40 (SOLD) LSV - $50 + Shipping (SOLD) (Missing the poker that came with...
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    Completed AirVape Legacy Pro

    Selling my ALP because I bought the Steampunk Edition. Paypal & US only. $100 + Shipping. Thanks! [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG][/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG][/IMG]
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    Want to Buy Piro - Light Colored Wood

    Thanks alot!
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    Any non toxic high heat adhesive’s out there?

    Trying to do some DIY”ing and it would be a whole heck of a lot easier than what I’m using now. Thanks.
  11. T

    Want to Buy Lamart Nub Or Micro

    In order of preference: 1. Nub - Yellow or Pink fumed 1.5 Nub - Pink or Yellow fumed 2. Nub - Smoke 3. Nub - Clear 4. Micro C'mon you know you don't like it, it's just sitting in a drawer collecting dust. The tip gets hot!! :D Thanks alot and Happy Thanksgiving people!
  12. T

    Want to Buy Stempod Si Red Silicone Sleeve Thanks
  13. T

    Want to Buy Eleaf iStick Pico Box Mod

    Old version only. Which is micro USB charging, not Type-C. Arctic Fox compatible if you're unsure. Any color. Many thanks :wave: Edit : Name Your Price!
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