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  1. D

    For Sale MFLB Unused

    I'm selling an unused MFLB with the glass straw and without the batteries. I recieved this MFLB a few years ago as a replacement for my original mflb and I ended up losing it immediately before ever getting a chance to use it. Just a few days ago I stumbled upon the mflb in a laptop box I had...
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    For Sale Anvil With Lots Of Extras

    I'm selling a Vestratto Anvil with the XL mouthpiece, Integrated stem and Thermacore. I am also including the original Anvil setup I had before that uses the non-integrated stem and normal mouthpiece, it's only missing a duracore or thermacore on the top from what I remember (been a hot minute)...
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    For Sale Xmax V3 Pro With Extra Accessories

    I'm selling an Xmax V3 Pro that's been used maybe for a couple months and then packed away for a couple years. I threw away the mouthpeice I used the most. (Edit: It's been a couple years since I used the device, so I want to preface the following by saying I'm not 100% sure the mouthpieces were...
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    For Sale VHB Carbon Mini Induction Heater

    I'm selling a VHB Carbon Mini induction heater. It comes with a case and charging cable. Paypal only and looking for $110.
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    Comparisons of Bakx to the Solo 3?

    I was wondering if anyone has both the bakx and the solo 3? If so, would you mind comparing them? In any way you find relevant, but also would be curious to know speicifically their differences in vape signatures. I so far am exclusively using butane vapes (anvil, vapcap, tempest) and am...
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    Tempest Vape Signature Compared To Other Vapes?

    I was wondering if anyone could compare the Tempest vape signature to other vapes in terms of effects? Especiallly when comparing it to other convection vapes. I have a vapcap which I know has a very different vape signature compared to my convection vapes. I also have a Lotus, Convector and...
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    Which 2 vapes should I add to my collection? Lotus, Camouflet Convector, or The Stunner?

    I currently own a Vapcap and Anvil. I am looking to expand my collection with more butane vapes that cover the convection end of things and specifically convection vapes that can vape loads as low as .05-.1 (.15 max) well. Which of the 3 in the title would you recommend to compliment my other...
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    Different Grinds For Different Effects?

    I was wondering if people have noticed varying effect profiles depending on if they don't grind their cannabis or if they grind Fine, Medium, or Coarse? I usually hear about a difference in flavor and the concept of more surface area producing more vapor. But I have been reading people...
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    How does the Anvil compare to the Tetra P80, TinyMight or other Heavy Hitters?

    I know this thread is a little premature because the Anvil is still pretty rare atm. But I am very interested in the Anvilfor a heavy hitter but i already have a P80. I was wondering if anyone can compare the two or compare the Anvil to some other vapes. I know this is blasphemy but i would...
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    Is Acrylic on the Tetra P80 a health concern?

    I love how the acrylic looks on the Tetra P80 but am wondering if there are any heath concerns there with touching it in general (or touching it than rubbing my eyes) or having in near the air or vapor path in anyway? Honestly just paranoid about that sort of thing lol and was wonder if anyone...
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