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  1. M

    SSV + Wisdom tooth removal.

    I do apologize for making this thread. I have searched and there are others out there, but none pertain to my situation...So I am getting my single and only wisdom tooth removed today. ( one tooth.. yay? ). A lower left. Now I'm not sure what kind of meds ill be on or if ill even take them. I...
  2. M

    The White Out.

    Anyone familiar with the term? I am...sadly. Its happened to me and some friends a few times and it is scary. It hits you like a wall. All of a sudden your vision tunnels followed by extreme nausea turning the person white as a damn ghost....white out. Then depending on the severity of it you...
  3. M

    How does one go about vaping pollen?

    Ive got a nice amount of pollen ( kief ) and i would like to vaporize it, but in the past Ive lost ALOT of pollen by sticking it in my wand with the SSV. The stuff is so fine it passes through the screen and i see it floating around the water line on my piece. Ive tried adding pollen on top of...
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