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  1. lazylathe

    China clone - Puffco Peak

    Here is the Chinese version already...! Hopefully they get squashed soon!
  2. lazylathe

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    Something new on the horizon and once again from Canada! This is a totally magnetic closing grinder with a UNIQUE design throughout the whole grinder! Jam free grinder available in either fine grind for vapes or coarse for smoking. 3 piece as well!! Just up my alley! So far the website is just...
  3. lazylathe

    What's on your vape table?

    As I sit and gaze on my vape table, I often wonder what other vaporists have on their desk at any one time. I think I have a problem but I will never admit it to anyone! I have a few hobbies but vapes seem to be the area that can get out of control quite easily!! So as you sit right at this...
  4. lazylathe

    420 2018: What did you buy??

    We had the 420 Sales, the 420 Short-List and now we have the what did you actually buy?? I bought a used VapeXHale EVO, which is awesome to own again! Not new but it still counts...LOL! My best deal was with a bud purchase! I managed to get in on the 42% off deal!! Sweet deal and I should be...
  5. lazylathe

    Reclaim - Is it worth it?

    I read this interesting study a while ago and thought i would share! Don't think it has been posted on FC before but if it has, please delete. This guy tested the reclaim in his drop-downs, scraped out and stored reclaim, Another drop-down and the last was the stuff from a totally clogged with...
  6. lazylathe


    Just saw this and people are already thinking it can be used to distilled cannabis oil since it is designed to distil hops oils. Could be very interesting!!!
  7. lazylathe

    Anyone in Windsor Ontario?

    We recently moved here and apart from 3 to 4 420 stores, that is it!! Where i moved from was dispensary heaven while here it is a wasteland of emptiness with regards to cannabis. If anyone is up for a sesh or meet and greet or just to hang out, hit me up in PM or just here for a chat! Would...
  8. lazylathe

    Gear Slug .33 Rosin Forge

    Anyone seen or heard of this? Looks a bit home made but i see some potential!! Wrap an enail coil and controller around for perfect temps and now we may be talking! Read that clean up can be a PITA... Costs $59.99 Not too much info but a few videos...
  9. lazylathe

    Mystic Vaporizer

    WEBSITE: Youtube channel: I have just found this vaporizer and it is beautiful!! Very little to no information about it online anywhere... I have reached out to the manufacturer for more info and a price and...
  10. lazylathe

    MMJ and driving in Canada

    Just read this over on Reddit, scary stuff!! Click the links and look at the attachments for data taken in 2006. I copied and pasted it over here: The proposed lower blood limit cutoff for THC is 2ng/ml. This finding will result in a summary criminal conviction. The criminal conviction is the...
  11. lazylathe


    Just found this and needed to share!! The dangers of vaping PG, PEG and VG!!
  12. lazylathe

    Ataxian's thread!

    We all the love the guy! Some of the noobs don't understand all his 60's surfer lingo and run away screaming! I have know @ataxian since first joining FC many years ago and we struck up conversations over the years! This thread is dedicated to everything @ataxian loves (that we know of...) We...
  13. lazylathe

    Gear Super cheap press!

    Not sure where to post this, so here goes! I was trawling Reddit and found this interesting post that lead me to a double heated plate rosin press. Seems normal enough, right? Then the price!!! CAD $13,29 with shipping it comes to $35 CAD! Could not resist it for the price! Will post what...
  14. lazylathe

    AerTouch-TC - Custom PID controller

    I just found this controller and it appears to be a similar version to the Hexnail? Definitely not as polished or classy looking. They also make some neat temp control boards for the Raspberry Pi...
  15. lazylathe

    Grasshopper "Deep Clean" technique

    My Hopper has worked pretty flawlessly since the day it arrived. There have been a few issues here and there but nothing to warrant an RMA yet! I contribute this fact to my new cleaning regime! Today was "DEEP CLEAN" of the Hopper! It has been on the verge of giving me some slight issues...
  16. lazylathe

    Silicone storage container safety.

    Thought i would share this post from Reddit here as it seemed very interesting to me. What silicone does to concentrates etc... I do not have experience with concentrates so do not know the reality of this on the small amounts of silicone we use to store our concentrates in...
  17. lazylathe

    National Geographic - World's Deadliest

    Found this through a link of a link from a link... You know how stoner surfing works! For those interested in nature and dangerous things, these are cool short videos to watch! Lots of good info but mostly that amazing National Geographic quality...
  18. lazylathe

    Vapeworld -April Fools vape!

    lol!! This is too funny!!
  19. lazylathe


    Anyone watching this on CraveTV?? Canadian sitcom that is hilarious!! I only get about 50% of what is going on, not Canadian. Favourite quote so far: "Does a duck with a boner drag weed?" Only one season so far but it looks like a winner! And the sister is not too hard on the eyes either...LOL!
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