Search results

  1. 420democrat

    mflb+pa 2.0

    Selling my mflb with pa, it was my first vape and vas quickly took me elsewhere so now it just sits in my closet I'd like to get 125$ both under warranty include glyph batts and charger
  2. 420democrat

    pax vaporizer

    I'm looking to get a cheap pax for stealth at my day job, not looking to spend more then 150 I want it in good condition prefer black or blue
  3. 420democrat

    solo 14mm gong

    Looking for a 14mm solo gong would prefer pvhes shorty but any 14mm will do. Would love to get it before weekend pm me
  4. 420democrat

    glass for airizer solo

    Looking for a nice small bubbler/recycler or hydra tube like the fbomb no pieces larger then 10 inches. And would like to get a gong with the glass. Most I'm looking to spend is 200 if very nice, also looking for budget piece though. I'll pay via PayPal and you can charge me for 2 night...
  5. 420democrat

    What's better to have?

    My only vape in rotation atm is my solo I only have stock stems and no gong/glass. My dealer recently acquired wax, shatter, edibles with legit labels from legal States, kief by the gram and legal state green. I'm weird and like having a lot of options on hand but compared to dabs oil in...
  6. 420democrat

    co2 oils (pre loaded)

    I tried a while ago on ask fc and got no answers I found vaporette disposable co2 preloaded e cigs of various strands with very high thc. No odor almost no taste very smooth and medicating. I purchased one and am not in a medicinal state so idk the legitimacy or anything about the product...
  7. 420democrat

    pre loaded ecigs

    So I live in a non medical state but recently meant a connect getting stuff from Colorado, of all the wonderful things he has shown me (quad dose edibles, crumbles, waxes, oils, the list goes on) one item in particular has my curiosity he has these ecigs that look like one of those old blue...
  8. 420democrat

    super waxy wax

    My guy is selling wax he got back from Colorado but whenever I buy it I have to use his dab rig and I always share. I'd like to bring some home and blaze myself but my only tools are a indica and mflb with pa.. How can I consume said wax? I really want some for myself
  9. 420democrat

    MJ careers

    With legalization becoming a reality in more and more States, being a young person just starting college I'm very intrested in what steps can be made to have a career working with marajuana. Is there money in it even if you don't own a dispensery? How would you walk into the medical aspect of...
  10. 420democrat

    aromatherapy herbs

    So I have read about benefits of vaporizing herbs such as spare mint and lavender for tastes and some mild effects. I want to try this because for one I feel it will help cut down on my green herb consumption. Secondly my gf has been involved in most of my vape/glass purchases and I'm pretty...
  11. 420democrat

    vaping issues

    So after reading around, it seems everyone agrees that vapor quality is greatly influenced by grind consistency and bud moisture. So I recently switched from a cheap 4 stage sweetstone mini to a santa Cruz shredder. The grind is much finer with some buds. But with my newest sativa from dealer...
  12. 420democrat

    Looking for a new portable, helppp

    There are tons of portable vapes it seems and I want some help making a decision. I currently use a mflb with pa for all vaping needs (my log vape purchase is delayed) At work I feel my mflb is not discreet enough. And doesn't get me where I hear other vapes potentially could. My boss is OK...
  13. 420democrat

    help chosing first desktop vape

    I recently switched from combustion to vaporization. I purchased a mflb and well my glass and hi have not been touched in ages. Atm I use mflb with pa at home. I've researched alot of vapes and I value efficiency as num 1 strong hits 2 and ease of use as 3. I like the look of epic vape e nano...
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