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  1. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    New carbon fiber davinci ascent priced for a (hopefully) very fast sale

    Ok guys, this is hard for me but I'm gonna ask for some quick help. Today is my sons birthday and I'm a bit short on getting him the iPod he wants so I'm going to sell this ascent with all the extras in the pic plus a couple more little ascent goodies I have laying around for 190$ shipped...
  2. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    V&Cs ultra super mega portable blowout bundle!!!!! Pax, ascent, and indica!

    Ok folks this is a partial repost. This is for a new carbon fiber davinci ascent, a new emerald green pax, and a new indica vaporizer (you can't even get one of these yet). All 3 vapes are literally brand new except for one use each. I am just not in a place where I need portables right now...
  3. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    Brand new emerald green pax and brand new carbon fiber ascent bundle

    Hey guys, time for another V&C super deal. I'm selling my brand new pax and brand new ascent. Both of these units are factory warranty replacements over the last 2 weeks. I've used each one once to make sure they were in good working order then back into their boxes they went. They both also...
  4. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    Brand new carbon fiber davinci ascent

    Ok guys, yet another V&C portable vape deal! This is a replacement direct from davinci. I've gotta say the carbon fiber is super slick! The ascent will come with everything that is included in the box from DV plus 2 more spare sets of internal glass and 3 extra oil cans. That's a total of 4...
  5. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    Grey firefly vaporizer

    Hi guys, here's your shot at another V&C super saver portable vaporizer! Lol I got this firefly brand new direct from firefly about a week ago now. If your not familiar with it check out the firefly thread. I'm selling this because I have to not want to. I though I was all done spending money...
  6. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    E-nano stem

    Hey folks, I'm looking for an enano stem as mine broke last night. I'm looking for one cheap or trade! Christmas has me a little cash poor ATM. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  7. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    A bubbler for my new e-nano

    Hey guys I'm looking for a nice bubbler for my enano. It can be 14 or 18. I don't have any cash but I've got some things I'd be interested in trading. I've got a really nice domeless titanium nail. It's identical to the dab essentials nail. I've got a vhit boom vaporizer. And I've got a pinnacle...
  8. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    Stealth davinci ascent and straight water adapter

    Hey guys, I'm selling my newly replaced stealth davinci ascent. This is the newest revised model and it looks and functions flawlessly. I don't have to sell it but with some recent health issues I am really more in need of a good home unit rather than a portable. So as far as trades go I'm...
  9. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    Pinnacle pro plus extras

    Hey guys, I'm selling my pinnacle pro with a few little extras. I recently got my new ascent and I believe it will satisfy my portable needs so this must go. The pnp works flawlessly. It's less than 2 months old. Comes with everything that it originally came with in the box plus 2 spare pongs...
  10. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    DaVinci Ascent with extras

    Ok guys..... This hurts but my water heater in my house just up and died on me. Sooooooo my ascent being my latest extravagant purchase is the first thing to go. I DO NOT want to sell this but, ill pick up another as soon as they are re-released. If you've followed me in the ascent thread...
  11. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    GBD Custom 4 slit stemless micro tube

    Hey guys, selling another kickass piece of glass. I love this piece its awesome for vapor or dabs but, I have my eye on something new. This was designed by me and made by Sam over at glassblowersdirect (i was basically copying a SG tube but, smaller). It is a 14 inch tall 32 mm tube with a 18mm...
  12. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd


    Hey folks, selling my Pax and my LSV for a steal of a price. I need cash fast so they gots to go! First up, the LSV: It's the newest version available with the cord protector. It is literally less than a month old. I ordered straight from 7th floor. Great unit, works perfectly, anodized red with...
  13. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    Pinnacle watertool / Flex glass mini rig bundle

    Hey guys, I've got my eye on a little piece so I have to thin out the heard a bit to get it. Im selling my pinnacle mini tube and my flex glass mini showerhead rig. I'm even throwing in my belly button dome and a 14mm nail. Both pieces stand about 6 inches tall. Both are high quality glass. The...
  14. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd


    Hey folks, im trying to get my money right for the release of the ascent so I decided to give someone a killer deal! I'm going to part with my solo and pinnacle in a bundle only. I'd like 280$ for everything. That covers PayPal and bombproof, insured, CONUS shipping too...
  15. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    VXH Hydracirc

    Hey folks, im selling my VHX hydracirc. This thing is built like a tank and is flawless. I'm only getting rid of this because I have my eye one something else. I'm not to well versed in HT's but asked a couple of well known, reputible members that are well versed what it should be worth on here...
  16. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    Original Da Vinci vaporizer

    hello, im selling my original dv. This thing is literally still new. I've run maybe 15 loads through it. It works perfectly, I just like my pinnacle better. It will come in its original box with all original accessories. It will be clean like new. the stem isnt trashed. this is the original...
  17. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    Fritted sidecar bubbler from GBD

    Ok guys the other thread got off track so I asked Vtac to wipe it out so I could start a new one. I've adjusted my price accordingly. Details: about 9" to the top of the can About 11" over all with removeable mouthpiece attached 5mm glass (feels thick.... maybe 7mm?!?!) 50mm can thick hearty...
  18. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd


    Ok guys, I've got my eye on a new piece and since I'll be spending a bunch of money on the ascent in a few days, the ol' lady isn't letting me spend any on new glass! So I'm going to part with my fritted sidecar bubbler from glass blowers direct. So here goes. GBD sidecar frit bubbler w/...
  19. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    Cheech 10 inch stemless honeycomb perk tube w/splash guard

    Cheech 10 inch stemless honeycomb perk tube w/splash guard. This was a replacement for one that arrrived broken, but by the time it showed up i already had my custom piece from GBD. So ive vaped through this like 2 or 3 times just to check it out and its been collecting dust ever since. so i...
  20. VaPeD&CoNfUsEd

    PVHE GonG 18mm

    Pretty self explanatory. Message me if you have one for sale. Planetvape seems to be outta stock.
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