I saw a mention of this on an e-cig forum and it is a bit perplexing.
It appears to be an e-cig that uses butane. It uses little pods that "I think" contain actual tobacco with some PG or VG like they use in e-cig liquids. Of course they say you have to buy their pods... no mention of...
Okay so tomorrow is my birthday - woohoo! Old house finally sold - woohoo!!
I'm thinking of adding something else to my new collection but I'm not sure which way to go. I'd love to hear some veteran suggestions.
I smoked forever and had a large collection of regular pipes and bongs years ago...
Is it just me?? I tried a few times to enter the chat room and it doesn't work for me. I don't do chat rooms usually so maybe it's something I'm doing wrong.
It asks for a log in name but already suggests one. I try using my name here, no go. I try using the name it seems to suggest for me...
So, my first time ever in my life playing with Butane... In US and have looked all over for the different brands suggested by Iolite.
I have only found Ronson (I know, sucks), Benzomatic?? and Neon (says Ultra pure but...I wonder)
So my dumbass orders TWELVE cans of Colibri on Amazon... I...
So I'm trying to convert to vaping and this forum has been so freaking helpful! I'm waiting on my PD which I learned about here :) I got my Iolite for portability which I also learned about here. I gave up cigs for e-cigs and now trying to give up smoking for vaping instead! Been a heavy...
Found this forum and have been so inspired reading!!
Recently gave up over 25 years of smoking cigs for e-smoking and just stumbled upon this place while surfing. I've been so inspired!!
Have smoked more of my life than I haven't - had bought a Vapir Air YEARS ago and it's been sitting in a...