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  1. P

    Completed Los Brochos Dynavap, Bseries, FMJ, and OWW Sesh tray 2nd PRICE DROP

    Im trying to sell this as a lot. Los Brochos Stem with titanium tip and captive cap, B series with no cap, oww session tray, little carrying case, some spare orings and wood polish, one dyna screen and 10 brand new mesh screens. Lets say 200 175 150 obo as I have...
  2. P

    Completed Grav upline bong clone (SOLD) and MFLB Orbiter (price drop)

    Grav upline bong from jcvglass on dhgate. High quality clone that I am just not using. MFLB Orbiter with one whip. Plastic on both ends of whip have been replaced with mflb brass pieces. Forgot to add I have the glass mouthpiece for it as well. 45 on grav (sold) 40 on MFLB or 75 for the pair...
  3. P

    Completed BNIB lotus x2 for trade

    Due to the fact that these are more than likely knock offs I will be taking them down. I am not sure how to delete so I will move them to completed. Mods please feel free to delete or leave up the pictures for future reference.
  4. P

    Completed Titi package with DC pid 175obo

    Auber coil, iDB handle, vg bowl, DC pid. 175 shipped within us
  5. P

    Completed Simrell B1

    As far as I have been able to tell this was the first complete and maybe the only complete b1 set that simrell has done (Head, bowl, both posts, and heat stand). This is my pride and joy but I spent way to much over the holiday so its got to go, maybe. Looking for 550 with pid 450 without pid
  6. P

    Completed Boost evo w/ Idab glass PRICE DROP

    Boost evo with the idab bottle glass. This was my first erig and purchased a switch shortly after acquiring this and dont use this anymore. 130obo, would really love to move this so feel free to offer. Also have a hive ball glass for it if youd rather have that or would like both.
  7. P

    Completed Vapman premium bundle with bonus vapman PRICE DROP

    I ended up with way to many vapmans and parts and would like to unload a bit to help offset the costs of my 420 purchases. -Premium olive wood vapman set with the water plated stainless afc mouth piece -Swiss pear vapman, I bought this used and in rough shape awhile back as a first foray into...
  8. P

    Completed Titi and elev8r package

    Titi build has a mix of 3mm and 4mm, idb handle, titanium wire to hold the baskets in place and prevent them from falling and a vgoodies bowl. Elev8r has a low brochos handle and an elev8r glass screen bowl. CH pid Metal stand Extra screens, concentrate pad, and a few extra 4mm rubies and two...
  9. P

    Completed V1 tera 25$ no batteries

    I have zero use for this and hoping someone might for some odd reason. if it doesn't sell I'll be tearing it apart to see if I can use the heater and board for something else and skip the whole plastic problem.
  10. P

    DIY TiTi safety feature

    Not sure if this is the place but I did DIY it. Building a Titi for fun and wanted a safety feature other than friction and hopes and dreams holding the screen in place. Just used a piece of 18g titanium wire I had and put two bends in it. I can still take the top basket off with a little...
  11. P

    Completed Tinymight 1.5

    I love the tinymight, its everything I wanted in a portable. I just dont use portables anymore and if I do, its a beater crafty that I dont care about. Tinymight 1.5 2x WPA Short stock glass Titanium Upline Cooling unit spare orings spare inner glass 225 very obo. Would like to off load this...
  12. P

    Completed FW7 with WPA

    Bought this because I just had to try a FW7 at some point in my life. Its as fantastic as everyone says but I dont really ever use portables anymore so I would rather this go to someone that will use it. Its not perfect, I did my best to sand it down and smooth it out without taking off to much...
  13. P

    Anyone water cure for edibles?

    I ended up with a 5oz bag of larf and trimmings and am thinking about water curing an ounce or two for edibles to see if it makes my butter/oil a little less fragrant. Anyone try this technique for edibles before?
  14. P

    Completed Mighty w/ simrell adapter and Shomni

    Mighty with black base, 15 unused capsules, simrell adapter, shomni, regular mouth piece, and the twisty condenser thing for shomni if you wanted to use it with a cap. 250obo (if thats to high please offer, motivated seller)
  15. P

    Completed Da Buddha with DDave basket screen wand

    Da Buddha with the ddave wand and 3 basket screens (moves the flower closer to heater and makes cleaning screens wayyyyy easier) 110obo shipped and paypaled
  16. P

    Completed Purpleheart SBJR with bubbler

    Purpleheart sticky brick jr with bubbler. Maybe used a dozen times. I would like it gone so please make an offer if interested 175obo shipped and paypaled
  17. P

    Want to Buy Want to buy a broken crafty

    Im hoping someone has a crafty that went dead on them. Id like the casing to be in decent shape but am not worried about the board or battery at this time. Just got some ideas to play around with and would rather tear something apart that isnt in use. Thanks
  18. P

    Thc lemonade

    I have some friends requesting some thc lemonade but am at a little bit of a loss. I cannot find strong enough alcohol here in VA to make a proper tincture to try to infuse sugar. I have read people infuse honey just like you would butter or oil but I thought it had to be in a fat doe that to...
  19. P

    Resale on tinymights

    Is there any particular reason that the price of a used tinymight is similar to a brand new one? Does it take a long time to get a new one? Does the warranty cover the device no matter who owns it? Just been looking at them on the used market and then realized it wasn't that much more to order...
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