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  1. macbill

    Lamest Vapor Product

    I nominate Vapor Maker (, a liquid additive that provides a denser vapor, and some taste element. Most Lame!!!!
  2. macbill

    Confessions of a Vapor-wuss

    Hello, My name is macbill, and I'm a vapor-wuss. I can not handle dense, vaporous clouds of dope. Somewhere in my 56 years I've screwed my lungs up good. Could it be the 23 years of heavy cig smoking or 42 years of dope smoking? Possibly. I have an amazing grasp for the obvious. Damn, I...
  3. macbill

    Iinhale Changes its Name to Iolite
  4. macbill

    Travel by Air

    Can anyone recommend a portable (or discrete) vaporizer that one could feel comfortable about checking in a bag subject to scrutiny at the airport? For example, I wouldn't want to check an I-inhale in my bag because of its butane tank and how it may look should it be x-rayed. macbill
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