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  1. Fogoff

    Tafée Bowle

    I'm extremely disappointed with the first version, as it was unstable and ultimately stopped working after two replacements. I won't be trying this new version. I wasted money (device + shipping to canada for warranty 2x times) and didn't appreciate being some sort of a beta tester. Hope for the...
  2. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    The new USB-C adapter has given my MV a second life - it makes it so much simpler to use. I always had connection problems with the old adapter.
  3. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Im using the glass espresso capsule to get more conduction. It works great
  4. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    I always clean the flexi with iso with no problem. MV decarb kit was great addition to my og Teflon core unit. not sure about the third question you’re asking for.
  5. Fogoff

    Anvil by Vestratto

    hey sorry if this has been already discussed but how this thing is easy to clean and live with as a daily device? It seems to me there’s a lots of parts, bits and orings to take care of. Thanks for your feedback
  6. Fogoff

    Tafée Bowle

    Nope that isn’t
  7. Fogoff

    Tafée Bowle

    Hey Some precisions ! First time it stopped working overnight with blue led blinking (if I remember correctly) -i shipped it back at my expense, and they replace the device for free, I paid for shipping back to me + custom fee -Then around 5/6 months later it stopped working the same way, so...
  8. Fogoff

    Tafée Bowle

    I already said it but I will say it once again, bowle is the most unreliable vape I ever bought. 2 exchanges, 2x customs fees, 2x shipping across the pond... I cannot recommend this vape to anyone. its flawed !
  9. Fogoff

    Tafée Bowle

    unfortunately this is what happened to both units I owned and this means its bricked. U need to send it back I also suspect that a good part of theses units will fail over time the same way. Only time will tell
  10. Fogoff

    Tafée Bowle

    well the replacement puck they sent to me 6 month ago stopped working the same way as the first one did after the same amount of time. so I sent I t back to bowl, wait 10 days and they're saying to me it's a "poor user management" and asked 179$ to get a new one whereas the device is till under...
  11. Fogoff

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Nice to hear both sides. Let the product speaks for himself thats what matter to me the most.
  12. Fogoff

    Anvil by Vestratto

    wow thats a greedy move from Vestratto, I feel for the distributor (PH), and I understand their relationship is done. Unfortunately it tells a lot about this brand, devil is in the details...
  13. Fogoff

    Dynavap VapCap

    What's the sense?
  14. Fogoff

    Dynavap VapCap

    yeah I owned a PSM, loved it but im seeing that he's not shipping outside US/Canada anymore :/
  15. Fogoff

    Dynavap VapCap

    Hey guys I havent follow up that much about IH lately. Now considering getting one, is the Orion V2 reliable? Any recommendations ?
  16. Fogoff

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Thanks for the info, it looks like a rather heavy piece then For reference classic omnivap xl is about 15g, 20 for the vortex with classic ti tip, and 26 for the mvs with the 21 Vong tip. Looking forward trying this one !
  17. Fogoff

    Anvil by Vestratto

    sorry if this has already been asked but how much does the anvil weigh?
  18. Fogoff

    Anvil by Vestratto

    That is very interesting, I watched sneaky Pete video and im quite impressed, this device looks great. Only downside I could see for my use is the longer cool down time so no quick chain vape multiple session
  19. Fogoff

    Dynavap VapCap

    So are they shipping from a EU warehouse now?
  20. Fogoff

    Tafée Bowle

    Fedex guy that is picking up your parcel should be able to help you with customs papers
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