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  1. LetsAllMeltDownTogether

    Colie Glass

    Here's a link to the iOffer store:
  2. LetsAllMeltDownTogether

    PBW & the Chemistry of Clean

    I find that most tap water has a lot of minerals in it like salt and calcium. When you leave out the glass to dry, if you've rinsed with tap, those drops of mineral water dry and stick to the glass. My tap isn't healthy to drink and I've always had problems with hard water stains. You may not...
  3. LetsAllMeltDownTogether

    PBW & the Chemistry of Clean

    For those with the mysterious PBW stains.. Try a vinegar soak/shake after rinsing out the PBW. After the vinegar make sure you only rinse with distilled water. Try and drip the remaining water out of your piece before it dries. I haven't noticed the film since switching my final rinses from tap...
  4. LetsAllMeltDownTogether

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Ordered about two weeks ago. These videos are much appreciated by those of us waiting.
  5. LetsAllMeltDownTogether

    Where to buy SG (Sovereignty Glass)?

    J Friendly's in Towson, Maryland carries SG. Mobius and David Goldstein as well the last time I was there.
  6. LetsAllMeltDownTogether

    PBW & the Chemistry of Clean

    I had the best results with multiple 20 minutes hot water soaks and a quick shake, then a hot water rinse, before shaking with vinegar and/or iso. I have very hard water so I'm used to the cloudy film around and above the water line. A second or third soak with a little lighter concentration of...
  7. LetsAllMeltDownTogether

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Anyone with an E-Nano care to post impressions on efficiency and water pipe usage after a couple days use? Are the hits comparable to an Extreme Q elbow pack? I love my Q except for the charred hot spot it creates every elbow pack and I'm looking for something more efficient. I'm on the fence...
  8. LetsAllMeltDownTogether

    Steele Concept Christmas Contest - FREE GIVEAWAY

    Who could forget this gem? Arnie AND Sinbad! Jingle All the Way is a real classic.
  9. LetsAllMeltDownTogether

    Steele Concept Joke Contest

    What is a stoner's least favorite inning in baseball? The bottom of the 8th
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