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  1. V

    Boundless Tera

    Damn his mods sound cool as hell. Have you decided which one you want?
  2. V

    Boundless Tera

    How many hits do you end up taking? Like 5? This thing produces so much vapor at times sometimes I can't go past 15 seconds if I use my Xmax v2 Pro glass mouthpiece. I'm going to try the Arizer long glass stem.
  3. V

    Boundless Tera

    What is a long draw to you? Ten seconds or longer?
  4. V

    Boundless Tera

    Sounds interesting. Might check it out. Thanks for the info.:rockon: Seconded On another note, how would you guys suggest I hit my Tera? Should I prime it with a few small puffs then take a hit each time I take a hit? Or should I take a few small puffs to get the heater going, then take...
  5. V

    Boundless Tera

    I could have sworn I saw that the screen can be replaced with a ss 5/8 mesh screen. The ariflow is pretty good. The amount of vapor I get is a little overwhelming however. That's a good problem to have for me. I'm still going to get one of the Arizer stems.
  6. V

    Boundless Tera

    Just modded my Tera with one of my Xmax V2 Pro glass mouthpieces. It fits! Can't wait to try it out. I'll probably still end up getting one of the Arizer stem mods.
  7. V

    Boundless Tera

    Press the power button 5 times.
  8. V

    Boundless Tera

    Just received my Tera! It's charging right now (don't know for how long). I plan on running 3 burnoffs after its fully charged. Can the rubber gasket that holds the screen under the plastic mouthpiece be swabbed with ISO? If so, can I submerge the entire plastic mouthpiece (including the...
  9. V

    Boundless Tera

    Very good to hear! I'll just have to be careful when I attach and remove the WPA when I get a bong. At what temperatures do you usually use WPA? Thanks for your response by the way.
  10. V

    Boundless Tera

    Just ordered a Tera! Can't wait until it gets here. I currently don't have a bong but might pick one up in the future. For owners who have used the WPA or third party WPA, has it damaged the plastic above the chamber? Some users have reported cracks in the plastic above the chamber, and some...
  11. V

    Boundless Tera

    How hard does your Tera hit compared to the Splinter? I already plan on picking up the Tera. Considering picking up the Splinter v2 as well as it is on sale. I'm assuming you can hold down the button and it will quickly increase to your desired temperature instead of pressing it over and over.
  12. V

    Boundless Tera

    I plan on buying a Boundless Tera v3 later this week. I currently have a Xmax V2 Pro and have a question. If I remove the glass mouthpiece (the glass part) and try to put the glass part in the silicone rubber part of the glass mouthpiece of the Tera (or the plastic mouthpiece?), will it fit...
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