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  1. K

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    well I'm holding it for less then that. I want to know if its my battery or is it really just 2-3 sessions and your out till recharge. I want tomake sure I don't need to call for a replacement battery...
  2. K

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    HELP!!... Just got m fire fly from ASAP Smoke shop and te damn battery needs charge within 2 bowls.. I get like 4-6 hits each bowllast about 15 min tops.. Am I holding for to long? I usually get 2 big fat ass hits that I cough and blow out instantly!! I love it still gets me baked for very...
  3. K

    Davinci by Karma

    It works! finally back into vaping! the only problem is it doesn't charge while in use. It only charges when the not in use. It charges all the way full now! this is amazing lol.
  4. K

    Davinci by Karma

    I got a charger today for 2$ and it worked.. kinda. It charged it to 1 bar and stopped.
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    Davinci by Karma

    I'm in north Florida. I'm going to w thrift store and trying different chargers today lol
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    Davinci by Karma

    any help please. I have been with my sweet davinci for a long time now... I miss it so much. I called support and they want me to send my unit in.. Which is ridicules. Any body have idea? Or an extra charger that they don't need. Davinci should just give me one for free I'm not paying another 20...
  7. K

    Davinci by Karma

    I need help!!!! I have been using my bowl now.. because my charger broke for my dv!! I don't know what to do... I don't know if its the DV or the charger.. So im scared to buy a 20$ charger that wont work.. :(I have tired other chargers that fit in the DV like my Comcast box power cord and old...
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    Davinci by Karma

    I got it out thanks. Now I need the snorkel.
  9. K

    Davinci by Karma

    I tried to get it out when it was dry I guess. It just seemed tuck and glued to the bottom of the main chamber. Also how is using the can? I feel like it doesn't work well. I really need some tips on getting the stupid bottom screen out
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    Davinci by Karma

    How do you change the bottom screen. I tried everything! What's goining on o
  11. K

    Davinci by Karma

    I did find one big annoying issue... it has a slight crack that leakes air in the side of the unit near where you load the herb.. it looks weird like the unit is coming apart. its vertical line on the side that keeps both pieces of the unit together. I also have a question... my gf has...
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    Davinci by Karma

    So i just cleaned my Dv for the first time. I found that the topscreen is easy to clean with out replacing. The screen in the middle was easy to replace. It seems like the the screen in the middle was the dirtiest and needed to be replaced. This is one amazing vape. I love how alli have to do is...
  13. K

    Davinci by Karma

    I found a way to make use of the can with dry herb! Just don't use the top white part! Keep it open on top! Works well I think. Let me know your thoughts.
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    Davinci by Karma

    W How do you replace the bottom herb chamber??? That seems impossible...
  15. K

    Davinci by Karma

    What are extra screens for? Also I like going on walks and vaping. So the solo isn't designed for outside public portability. Thank you again though for your help!
  16. K

    Davinci by Karma

    I I'm sorry I meant on how to clean my DV. That was a great answer! Very informative. I'm really excited about using my DV over a long period of time!
  17. K

    Davinci by Karma

    Also how do I clean the trench? Iso? How durable is it? Can I damage it easly?
  18. K

    Davinci by Karma

    Thank you! But then how do I use the extra screens? What are they for? And what are some tips I can use thm for the DV
  19. K

    Davinci by Karma

    I did try it I did try it but i don't want it to get dirty and I always remembered how my magic flight wouldn't work as well after long usage and of it getting dirty. So I want to keep my DV top notch. If there is a way to get the DV to work with herbs in the can? Like do I have to break it...
  20. K

    Davinci by Karma

    I just got my DV and putting herb in the can didn't really give me anything but a buz? I really like the concept of it> Because I can just pack a can for the go and just slide it in>> but I haven't received good results. I end up with a mini buz and all my herb vaped.
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