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  1. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    The sudden defects some of you are facing worries me. After having the unit for a few weeks i've found a way to clear the screen. Turn the temp up to red and put the mouthpiece on the top. The high heat warms up the resin stuck in the tiny screen and makes it easier for it to come out. After the...
  2. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    True but it's micro-USB to USB, so if you have a lot of old phone charging cords around like me it's great. I already had a USB adapter in my car for my iPhone so I can just plug it into that. Another cool thing is if you have one of those portable batteries for phones you can use that to charge...
  3. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    I just said fuck it today and poked a hole in the mouthpiece screen with a pushpin. Huge improvement in airflow. Plus I can clean it out easier with the pushpin. Green setting is too high for me now and I prefer blue since a lot more vapor comes through the mp.
  4. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    It's really a shame the thing holding this vape back is the MP. All relaxo needs to do is make a new mouthpiece that doesn't suck and offer it a la carte for cheap. I'm finding I'm more of a fan of the green setting. I like seeing vapor though. I'll start it off on blue and after a few hits go...
  5. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    This thing is pretty awesome so far. Hits like a champ. Of course I have noticed the issues with the mouthpiece. I've been using a second screen like others suggested. It's still pretty restrictive but prevents the bud from sticking to the top of the mouthpiece. It's annoying having to pull the...
  6. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    Just got mine in from DHL! Love the look, very subtle blue. Nice build quality. Now for the 6 hour wait of anticipation..
  7. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    Can it be used while plugged in charging or no?
  8. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    This is all that matters to me when it comes to being "pen sized". If I can stroll around and people look at it thinking it's an ecig then it's small enough for me.
  9. CidKudi

    BlackoutX flower pen

    Yeah the units on the Kevin Smith getting doug were messing up. They had to swap them out and at one point Doug was like "These are prototypes"
  10. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    w9 if you want to save $10. If you want to do the review promotion and get the Imag2 you have to order it from here. Thanks for the pictures. Would they have tubing like that at a headshop or ecig store?
  11. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    Do you mind posting a picture of it with the drip tip?
  12. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    So I emailed them about the ebay link being down and got this message: Hi [CidKudi], Imag have been removed on ebay,dry herb vaporizer is forbidden there. Pls buy Imag+ on this website: The good...
  13. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    Thank you for the coupon code! Sorry, I meant the site not W9tech. When you go to the Imag Plus product page the "Buy" link returns an ebay search page with no imag plus result. That's what I figured. I just take extra caution when dealing with foreign companies. If you get...
  14. CidKudi

    Pen Imag Plus

    What is the discount code? The link on the website that is supposed to go to their authorized ebay seller no longer works. I'm a little skeptical about this Imag 2 promotion because of this line: Sounds like they can just cancel the promotion for any reason. Doesn't make me feel comfortable...
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