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  1. squidmark

    Insta Heat (aka iHeat)

    Mmmmmm, purrrdy! What's the heat up time like on the box mod? Is it instantaneous like with the plugin base?
  2. squidmark

    Dynavap VapCap Shipping Discussion

    Just got my shipping notification! I finalized my order on the 6th.
  3. squidmark

    Dynavap VapCap Shipping Discussion

    I emailed DV this morning about the status of my order and they said that they hope to ship it by the end of the week. I last added something to my order on the 6th.
  4. squidmark

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Well said. I couldn't agree more.
  5. squidmark

    The Nomad From Morwood

    I'm surprised I feel this way, considering I generally don't like the steampunk aesthetic, but I like the brass better than the silver. It really compliments the color of the wood. That said, in either color it's one of the best looking vape I've seen. Super excited to be on the waiting list!
  6. squidmark

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Long time listener, first time caller :-) I'm soon to be the proud owner of a gorgeous custom Underdog and I wanted to thank team Underdog for their amazing customer service and craftsmanship. You guys have been an absolute pleasure to work with!
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