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  1. Jack_Fancy M.D.

    Cleaning glass tips and using the microwave

    I misunderstood what you wrote. Glad i asked before trying it!! Thank you🙏
  2. Jack_Fancy M.D.

    Cleaning glass tips and using the microwave

    Sorry to resurrect a 3 year old thread, but do you microwave the glass with the plugs in? I'm assuming they're silicone lab stoppers right? No weird melting or off gassing or anything?
  3. Jack_Fancy M.D.

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    How interesting, to read this after finding my IH build is heating improperly with a premature click. Great way to keep that in check until I can re-wind the coil. Still looking out for a proper 16mm mandrel, as I've seen you suggest on here before. Thanks @TommyDee
  4. Jack_Fancy M.D.

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    Conversely, could you move that wrapping up towards the tip to delay to click to a reflect a more thorough bake?
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