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  1. F

    Which vape is best for me?!

    idk haha, it just seems like its lighter / doesn't produce as much. idk really tbh lol i haven't seen a vid til now though, that looks pretty nice tbh Wait for the torch, how long does it last? The site said 20 uses, is that like 20 hits? Because that is a major turnoff to me.
  2. F

    Which vape is best for me?!

    Does it actually milk? I don't feel like a vapor would get enough.. vapor to make a difference, would it? It wouldn't really feel satisfying if it didn't fill up the water pipe like a real hit lol
  3. F

    Which vape is best for me?!

    why do you recommend me get that? Just wondering.
  4. F

    Which vape is best for me?!

    Wow, you guys are good lol. This Lotus is looking really nice to me. I love the price, design, and just about everything about it. Probably gonna get this! :P any recommended attachments or anything to know about?
  5. F

    Which vape is best for me?!

    Okay, so I've been researching basically non-stop for the last few days and at this point I've determined that these few brands (MFLB, Solo, Buddha, Pax,and a few others I can't recall atm) are the most popular portable vapes out there right now. And thats fine, but I can not for the life of me...
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