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  1. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    "Member since today" Hmmmmm
  2. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Does anyone by chance have a spare mouthpiece I can buy? My girlfriend knocked my square off the chair it was sitting on and the mouthpiece broke. Very bummed today as it's my only vape I saved up a lot for.
  3. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Just use your Cloud Evo.. thats a good idea actually in theory though now that I think about it.. Give it a try and report back but the button press instead of just inhaling with the evo is gonna be slightly annoying methinks.
  4. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Did anyone get tracking info after Haze repaired and shipped your unit back to you guys?
  5. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    @Haze Vaporizers now that it's Monday could you check my PM pls? :) Edit: Didn't notice the last post whoops
  6. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Introducing "The Haze Square Grinder" :D:lol:
  7. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Upload it to Imgur they even have an app and just post the url in your message. Dont need to worry about it being visible right on the post. Im just curious how different it looks compared to mine.
  8. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Show us the fix :D ive been wondering what seal they are talking about?
  9. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    There are these too plastic gasket thingies idk what they are tbh... But they help the rubix cube portion turn. Mine will stay in once i secure the bowl section and it will turn normally but, when it falls out and its not in there the turning action is very unstable.. @Haze Vaporizers could...
  10. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Sooo this just happened as I was rotating bowls :( Gonna need a replacement after next weekend methinks.. @Haze Vaporizers :( Careful with rotating your bowls fellas.
  11. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Pretty sure this means its like almost done like at 90% or something more than half done
  12. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    I'm gonna check my mailbox today but since I didn't get my ez load tool in my package I should look for it in the mail yes?
  13. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Exactly ! Dont try to pack 1 full bowl every time think of the whole unit (all 4 chambers) as one big bowl Spread it around :D im not even done with my first bowl today and I havent combusted today at alll. 3 to go and ill have 1 at the movie theater. I might just end the night with 2 bowls...
  14. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    ive been doing what someone else suggested was to put a pinch in each bowl and im getting non combustion dark browning but only holding it with the light to the right side of my field of vision when taking a hit. Big clouds too! This seriously is my new favorite Portable :) Taking mine to...
  15. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Ok so I turned the temps down to 330 and its still really hot and harsh vapor the longer the button is held down. Still combusting a tad I think the temps are way wrong or something. and now it absolutely wont quick charge with the included charger and cable no matter what side I plug in. :(...
  16. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    I used another chamber in the 2nd pic and it was still happening. No spacer no nothing. Medium pack. How low of a temp should I go? 350 is my sweet spot. Ill try slightly lower than that but I dont think it will help much. This vape deff has a learning curve but im sure somethings wrong with mine.
  17. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    How about now? Seems like it has hot spots or something.. regardless it shouldnt be happening at my lowest set temp.
  18. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Its under all that green goodness.. :(
  19. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Constant combustion. @Haze Vaporizers any advice? 350F temps. On the side closest to the coils. I can actually see the coil getting hot through the gap in the vape. :( First hit is slightly ok but every hit after is combustion.
  20. Raptor5150

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Ok I think I may need a firmware update or something.. half filled bowl with liquid pad as spacer and I got combustion on my lowest temp 350F It tasted TERRIBLE :( and im wasting good weed. I reseated my mouthpiece gasket as that was partly out of its area but that didnt help.
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